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HappyCamper 10-22-2004 07:04 AM

The Machinist
I don't know how many of you know about this film, but I just saw the trailer and it looks pretty cool. Christian Bale plays a lathe operator who is dying from insomnia, and the movie gets crazier from there...

I for one am going to see this...

allmykids 10-22-2004 08:29 AM

Re: The Machinist

Originally posted by HappyCamper
I don't know how many of you know about this film, but I just saw the trailer and it looks pretty cool. Christian Bale plays a lathe operator who is dying from insomnia, and the movie gets crazier from there...

I for one am going to see this...

That's the same guy that plays american Pysco, Isn't it???

Sistinas 10-22-2004 08:36 AM

Re: Re: The Machinist

Originally posted by allmykids
That's the same guy that plays american Pysco, Isn't it???

Yep, he's a great actor.

Sam The Egg 10-22-2004 10:19 AM

Bale lost over 1/3 of his body weight for this movie. He looks vaccu-formed in the trailers

hellfire1 10-22-2004 01:48 PM

and then had to gain it all back and get all buff to play batman right after... now that's dedication.

Sam The Egg 10-22-2004 01:55 PM

I heard somewhere that he weighs more for Batman than he did before The Machinist. That's fucking crazy

Sam The Egg 10-23-2004 02:48 PM

EDIT: Hell, didn't work

Sam The Egg 10-23-2004 02:50 PM

okay, HERE's a picture of Bale in The Machinist:

The STE 12-06-2004 07:33 PM

I saw this yesterday, it's several kinds of fucked up

***** out of *****

urgeok 12-07-2004 01:55 AM

if you like Bale (and i do .. fine actor) here are 2 very different films to check out.

Empire of the Sun : its a Speilberg film about a british boy who ends up in a Japanese concentration camp in WWII. Great film

Equilibrium : a futuristic film that is a combination of Brave New World and Farenheit 451 with a bit of Matrix thrown in.
It's influenced by these things but its a completely unique film.
I highly recommend this movie to everyone here.
Its relatively unknown .. it slipped through the radar somehow - but it blew me away when i saw it.

Bale was also the racist asshole badguy in the Shaft remake a few years back.

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