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ChEEbA 02-03-2005 04:56 PM

STE - about VERSUS.
...I know you've at least seen it so I thought I'd ask you.
I just watched it again, and I must've been pretty stoned when I did, because I couldn't remember much at all of it - this time around I noticed a few things.

1: At the beggining, the VERY beggining...the samurai type guy or whateverthefuck, the one that chops up all the zombies the "good guy"...I always thought it was meant to be the main character from the "today" generation...but then a flashback indicates otherwise.
He was the dude wearing the raiden style hat, right? At the beggining you only see him for a few seconds, So I'm guessing that the sequence in the flashback later on in the film (in which he chops the girls head off so the bad dude won't get the power)
took place right after the scene in the beggining?
Am I right here?
So, the guy that the bad dude chopped in half right at the beggining of the movie, who was that? Was he meant to be represented by some other character in the "modern day" part of the film?

2: The bad guy, his modern day incarnation...was he meant to have been immortal from the start? Were they BOTH immortal, or were they both descendants, or did the spirits somehow bond with them due to being in the forrest of ressurection?
IF the bad guy WAS immortal from the start - why was he? If it's about the girl giving immortality or power or whatever, would'nt her getting her head cut off in the oldskool generation have stopped that?
That's why I'm thinking that maybe the bad guy was immortal from the start?

3: In the end, future generation - things seem to have turned around a little, the good guy looks kinda evil...the girl talks to the other guy (the ?former?) bad guy and says "I should've been on your side"...I don't get it.
I have a theory that he might've became immortal or all powerful and HE was the one that fucked up the world, is that why she said that?

I dunno....it's confusing, but that could be down to my poor attention span.
Fucking great film though...

- B

The STE 02-03-2005 05:26 PM

yes the flashback to the samurai-type time was what happened right after the introduction ended.

As for the rest of it, who knows. I guess the bearded villain guy was immortal (unless killed) but the others were reincarnations. The future-type time was them reincarnated in the opposite bodies.

ChEEbA 02-03-2005 05:47 PM


The future-type time was them reincarnated in the opposite bodies.
That's what I thought the first time I saw it, but then, if that is the case, it DOES kind of throw off what the girl says, doesn't it?
(When she says "I should've been on your side")

IF she's referring to the fact that she chose the wrong side on account of what the guy LOOKED like, eg - she THOUGHT he was the good guy, and fucked up, and only that factor, then your idea would kinda make sense.

Or...IF she was referring to the fact that the good guy had been corrupted by his power/immortality (or whatever) and had in turn fucked up the future, therefore if she had've helped the bad guy in the previous generation, the fucked up future may not have happened? In that case, my theory would make sense.

I dunno, maybe it's one of those "what you make of it" kinda deals...

Also...any thoughts on who the guy who died in the samuri type time was, right at the beggining?
I mean, unless a complete bodyswap goes on ever time with those that actually die, and he was later reincarnated as the main character in the modern day section?
I can't recall seing the same actor protraying any other character in the main part of the movie though...
Oh fuck...I dunno....

I just realised too - this movie has one of the highest zombie death counts I've ever seen...

The STE 02-03-2005 06:57 PM

I think he was just some samurai bloke

I also think you're putting way more thought into this movie than is required

urgeok 02-03-2005 07:02 PM

cheeba ..

you might want to check out a film called Avalon .. if you havent already seen it ..

(its not related to Versus in any way .. just wanted to put this where you'd find it)

ChEEbA 02-03-2005 07:03 PM

I know...it's what I do...
Damn, he was too cool to just be some samurai guy.

Hey, did you see shaolin soccer?

(ok urge, I'll probably check it out)

The STE 02-03-2005 07:17 PM

yes he was and no I didn't

ChEEbA 02-03-2005 07:19 PM

You should....and go check out my trailer thread for kung fu hustle, by the same ppl...you would like it, it's towards the end of the trailers.

ChEEbA 02-03-2005 07:20 PM

Oh yeah, one one more thing about Versus....that first gangsta zombie sure took alotta punishment, huh?

The STE 02-03-2005 07:26 PM

Yeah. I still say the death of Other Prisoner is just unpseakably cool. It ranks up there with the death of Brandt in Equilibrium for all time awsm movie deaths. That one bit got the movie on my top 100. I mean, it was being considered anyways, but Other Prisoner's death got it on the list.

Okay, I'd better stop. If I get started on how cool that was then I'll go on for a good 15 minutes

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