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bloodrayne 11-22-2003 11:41 PM

Freddy's Nightmares...
Does anyone even remember these? I loved that series !Anyone know why it ended??? I own EVERY episode...Sure should have been more...

Arioch 11-23-2003 12:00 AM

I remember those, i never saw them all i only saw the ones my blockbuster had. (the dentist one, and the one with freddy's backstory and trial) it only ran for one season i think. I wouldve watched it though, they were cool. Much better than the friday the 13th series that didnt even star jason:rolleyes:

bloodrayne 11-23-2003 12:09 AM

For real...

Originally posted by Arioch
I remember those, i never saw them all i only saw the ones my blockbuster had. (the dentist one, and the one with freddy's backstory and trial) it only ran for one season i think. I wouldve watched it though, they were cool. Much better than the friday the 13th series that didnt even star jason:rolleyes:
Strange...I was thinking that if the Friday the 13th series could last so long...Why not Freddy??? I think you read my mind...You scare me...I like it...LOL

avenger00soul 11-24-2003 07:20 AM

I watched one of these not too long ago, it was about a talk show or something. I can't really remember it too well but I wasn't too impressed with it.

bloodrayne 11-24-2003 10:47 AM

The episode you are referring to is the one in which Morton Downey Jr. gets killed...Unfortunately, You're right, It wasn't one of the best...However, Don't let that turn you away if you get a chance to see others...If you don't watch them, You will miss out (keep in mind-THEY WERE MADE FOR TELEVISION!)...

avenger00soul 11-24-2003 12:34 PM

Re: avenger00soul

Originally posted by bloodrayne
The episode you are referring to is the one in which Morton Downey Jr. gets killed...Unfortunately, You're right, It wasn't one of the best...However, Don't let that turn you away if you get a chance to see others...If you don't watch them, You will miss out (keep in mind-THEY WERE MADE FOR TELEVISION!)...
I remember Morton Downey being on a Tales From the Crypt episode and dying but not on Freddy's Nightmares. You sure you're not confusing them? The Freddy's Nightmares episode I saw involved a talk show and one of the panelists on the show was a rocker named "Monkey Puke" I believe. Dreams that Kill was the title of the show.

hypes057 11-24-2003 12:51 PM

ive never seen one or cant remember cause they probobly came out whilst i was a youngin.....where r u guys watchin them at?

avenger00soul 11-24-2003 01:04 PM


Originally posted by hypes057
ive never seen one or cant remember cause they probobly came out whilst i was a youngin.....where r u guys watchin them at?
My friend and fellow poster, Tony, bought some of these from Hastings. I guess they re-released them on vhs.

bloodrayne 11-25-2003 01:38 AM

Avenger...You are correct...The episode I was referring to with Downey as a talk show host WAS from Tales From The Crypt ...oops... The episode you were referring to was Dreams That Kill from Freddy's Nightmares...I confused the talkshow host (named Charlie Michaels, played by Dick Gautier) with Downey...One of the guests, from 'Mothers Against Musical Atrocities', hit the host in the head with her purse and knocked him out...Freddy entered through the unconscious guy's head and took over the show as the host, himself...I hope that helps to restore my reputation...I guess I had just picked the wrong 'crouton' from the Horror Salad that is my brain.

avenger00soul 11-25-2003 02:01 PM


Originally posted by bloodrayne
Haha, I like that.

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