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Vodstok 05-27-2005 03:31 AM

"Film Flubs"
Okay, for some weird reason, Bravo was play A Nightmare on Elm Street this morning, and i happened to catch a major goof-up near the end.

Nancy was fighting freddy, and we were at the part where she sets up the sledge hammer trap. Well, Freddy opens the door, the hammer hits him, he loses his balance and falls over the railing and lands on the stairs. However, a matress(complete with flowers) is clearly visible on the stairs where the stunt man landed.

Now, i kept my eyes peeled to make sure that there wasnt a scene where a m,attress was tossed or fallen on the stairs, and there wasnt one, so it was most definately a goof up.

Preacher 05-27-2005 03:59 AM

Used to know a site that told you all the balls ups in loads of films. Cant remember the name of it though.

Bet your observation is on that site.


Vodstok 05-27-2005 04:02 AM

I guaruntee it. It was on IMDB.

urgeok 05-27-2005 05:23 AM

i cant tell you how many times i've seen a boom mike, or the shadow of one .. or glaring continuity errors..

the funniest ones i ever saw were on Peewee Herman's Big Adventure.

They cleaned them up on the DVD with cropping but they were hilarious to see at the theatre (i think i have a VHS that shows the errors too ..

at one point he's chaining up his precious bicycle and the chain is endless .. it keeps coming out of his 'side saddle' compartment .. but in the theatres you can clearly see the chain coming up through the bottot of the compartment.

in the scene where he is driving .. you can clearly see the roadsigns are on little platforms on wheels being pulled toward the camera by a rope along little tracks.

there was another one i forget as well.

I thought they were there on purpose until i saw the dvd version .. and the errors dissapeared.

The Mothman 05-27-2005 05:29 AM

there are a bunch of hilariopus subliminal messages in disney movies and stuff. porn on the cover of the little mermaid. stuff like that. its great.

Vodstok 05-27-2005 05:40 AM

i remember the cahin thing from pee wee when i was a kid

Anyone ever see the porn frames from "The Rescuers"? That was pretty funny...


a part in terminator two that bugs me to no end (because i have eteremly high standards for Jim Cameron) is when the t-1000 is chasing edward norton throuhg the canals, and Arnie jumps the harley to catch them, there is a looooing ass shot of the Terminator on the bike flying through the air, from the front. And it could not be more obvious that it is a stunt double in a mask. Kind of like the Diner fight in Im gonna get you Sucka where the mother keeps being spliced with shots of a short itaklian guy with a mustache. Only not on purpose.

urgeok 05-27-2005 05:50 AM


Originally posted by Vodstok
i remember the cahin thing from pee wee when i was a kid

Anyone ever see the porn frames from "The Rescuers"? That was pretty funny...


a part in terminator two that bugs me to no end (because i have eteremly high standards for Jim Cameron) is when the t-1000 is chasing edward norton throuhg the canals, and Arnie jumps the harley to catch them, there is a looooing ass shot of the Terminator on the bike flying through the air, from the front. And it could not be more obvious that it is a stunt double in a mask. Kind of like the Diner fight in Im gonna get you Sucka where the mother keeps being spliced with shots of a short itaklian guy with a mustache. Only not on purpose.

yeah i remember seeing the mask - it was pretty obvious ..

another thing that always looks stupid is the 'guy on fire' sequences where every time 100% no exceptions .. you can always see the flame retardant suit gloves and mask the guy is wearing.

he goes from a guy wearing shorts and a t-shirt to an astronaut on fire

Vodstok 05-27-2005 06:07 AM


Originally posted by urgeok
yeah i remember seeing the mask - it was pretty obvious ..

another thing that always looks stupid is the 'guy on fire' sequences where every time 100% no exceptions .. you can always see the flame retardant suit gloves and mask the guy is wearing.

he goes from a guy wearing shorts and a t-shirt to an astronaut on fire

LOL no shit....

they suddenly gain 50 pounds and the guy's head changes into a basketball sized melon.

Another one, the 13 ghhosts remake. Tony Shalub punches Matt Lillard and they both fall down. The reflection of a guy with a headset and a mustache is clearly visible in the black bookcase behind matt.

There was a movie that was on MST3K (i know i know, its not liek they are hidden mistakes if they were on that), but i think the mocvie was called "Beast from Yucca Flats". It was this big plastic-bag made caterpillar type monster that clearly had an army of people in it just to fget it to move. it plodded along at sloth speeds, but somehow managed to catch people and devour them.

The best part was that you could see the "victims" crawl TOWARD the mouth and climb in :)

urgeok 05-27-2005 06:20 AM

i dont even consider those grade z sci-fi movies .. its too easy .

its the modern higher budget films that drive me crazy - they look at dailies - they know whats working or not .. they pay continuity people to check this stuff out.

like during a conversation scene that switches back and forth between too people ... one second the guys elbow is on the table .. strokinbg his chin or something - 1/2 second his hand is under the table ..

the mysterious self filling drinks .. etc ..

i guess they figure no one will notice ..

Premier Magazine featured an article called the Gaffe Squad every month where people wrote in about these things ...

in the long run does it hurt a movie .. maybe .. if there wasnt enough attention paid to the details - probably other parts of the prooduction failed as well..

Vodstok 05-27-2005 06:28 AM

Galaxy quest has a mistake that isnt really noticeable at first, but once you see it, it is almost unforgiveable.

When they are getting the Berilium sphere and rolling it, you see tony shalub. Then, in the next shot, he has a wrinkled paper bag in his mouth. Its there for the next couple of shots, then it is gone. No explanation, it's just there and then gone.

Another thing is when Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver are trying to stop the ship from blowing up, they run around a corner, and there are "Choppy, crushy" things. Althopugh the audio says "well Screw That!", Sigourney's mouth VERY clearly says "Well Fuck that!" I guess they wanted a pg-13 rating...

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