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Arioch 12-05-2003 05:12 PM

Musicians Of The Horror Board
We need a place in the music board where we aspiring musicians can share our stuff, speak of other projects, give and recieve positive criticism. The filmakers have a whole board so lets keep this thread alive alright.

VampRocker 12-05-2003 05:43 PM


Check out my band for some premiere Horror Rock, Vamp Rock and B-movie Rock!


Thanks! Now discuss!

bloodrayne 12-05-2003 07:16 PM

Re: Musicians Of The Horror Board

Originally posted by Arioch
We need a place in the music board where we aspiring musicians can share our stuff, speak of other projects, give and recieve positive criticism. The filmakers have a whole board so lets keep this thread alive alright.
Maybe we could inspire each other...

Arioch 12-06-2003 08:21 PM

thanx for the post vamp rocker, nice site too. Not really into punk (pop/punk has kinda ruined it for me:( ), but alot better than most of the bands ive heard, nice stuff. Lets keep them coming guys.

VampRocker 12-06-2003 08:52 PM


Originally posted by Arioch
thanx for the post vamp rocker, nice site too. Not really into punk (pop/punk has kinda ruined it for me:( ), but alot better than most of the bands ive heard, nice stuff.
Thanks! We don't usually consider ourselves "punk," we're more "Vamp rock and roll" or "Horror rock and roll," but I appreciate the feedback!

All you bands in Phoenix, post something! We could set up some shows...

Arioch 12-06-2003 09:28 PM


All you bands in Phoenix, post something! We could set up some shows...
Hey were in Texas, thats not TOO far still in the south. Dont have the WHOLE band though (even tho i write it all, i cant play it all alone ya know), maybe we could cordinate a tour. Another band (female friends of ours) are starting a record label down here to produce albums and coordinate shows and tour support. Maybe we could extend the tours to arizona and louisiana and mississippi ya know more of the south. a HORROR.com tour would kick ass.

abbycomix 12-07-2003 11:41 AM

I don't know if Mz. Pakman would be available for tour anytime soon (we mostly play locally), but we could probably help set up a show if any cool rockin' bands come to NYC.


Arioch 12-07-2003 03:47 PM

Alright just postin on here about the upcoming movie me and Bunn are workin on for you guys that havent seen that thread yet. Any of you musicians interested in this project PM me and we'll see whats up.

Arioch 12-08-2003 08:47 PM

Alright, i finally got my instrumental version of one of my songs done. I had to record it instrumental for a project and it was my first attempt using this new CD recorder i got. Came out pretty good, better than i expected considering it has not mastering and just a bit of compression. Its one of the longer tracks so bear with it, it DOES need the vocals to carry it better. all in all it sounds pretty good tho.

Tell me what you guys think.Rightclick and save as...
Never Again (instrumental Mix)

Oh yeah, this is no indication of what my scoring would sound like guys, thats alot different. This is my band Longinus..... i guess i should get a website up huh? So Bunn, and triefy, any work i do with you wouldn't necessarily be caked with "industrial dirt" like this is.....unless you wanted it:D

Arioch 12-10-2003 10:18 PM

Any other musicians got any projects to plug?? Any more mp3s for us to hear???i know we got more musicians here than Bobby, Abby, and myself

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