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The Thing 05-22-2006 12:31 PM

Stephen King- God of horror
Hey dudes and dudettes. Just wondering, what's everyone's fav Stephen King book? I think they're too big and only read the smaller ones so mine's Misery or Carrie. Both brilliant horror.:D

noctuary 05-22-2006 03:00 PM

God of horror? No, I think not. I can think of a dozen authors who outclass King right off the top of my head.

But, in keeping with the spirit of the thread, my fave King book is It.

alkytrio666 05-22-2006 06:14 PM

Edgar Allan Poe- The God of Horror

Stephen King- Runner up.

I do love Mr. King. His best book is The Shining. I also quite enjoyed Dreamcatcher.

evil_deadman 05-23-2006 06:48 PM

Stephen King is not what i'd call my favorite author (that title would go to Clive Barker or H.P.Lovecraft.)altho he is right up there for damn sure,..and from a marketing aspect,he is practically a God of horror ,hands down,but there are so many other authors whose style is is creepier and sometimes even more imaginitive.,this is the case with 2 more authors i am reading more and more of,Robert R. McCammon and Bently Little.

As for my favorite King book ,i like his short stories best,and my favorite of those is "Skeleton Crew" and my favorite story from that is "The Mist" (DAMN WHEN THEY GONNA FINALLY MAKE A MOVIE OF THIS?.LOL:p ) as for full lengh novels "Desperation" (which by the way is on TV tonite(got me sorta occupied even as i type..lol).i liked pretty good as well as The Regulators (maybe they shoulda had a companion movie as the did with the novels?..just a thought..lol:rolleyes: . anyway my very favorite King novel would have to be "The Stand"!

Miss Olivia 05-23-2006 07:05 PM

My favorite King book is The Stand for it's sheer scope, but the story that scared me the most is Pet Sematary....the whole thing about the wendigo and the dead kid....makes me shudder...

scaryminda15 05-26-2006 05:17 AM

he is the god of horror because he is so awesome.

urgeok 05-26-2006 05:28 AM

r l stein = the god of horror for kids

stephen king = the god of horror for people who have yet to discover better authors.

alkytrio666 05-26-2006 09:31 AM


Originally posted by Miss Olivia
My favorite King book is The Stand for it's sheer scope, but the story that scared me the most is Pet Sematary....the whole thing about the wendigo and the dead kid....makes me shudder...
For me it was the whole memories of the sick sister thing.

jedicow 05-30-2006 06:33 PM

for me it's 'salems lot hands down. i also enjoyed the stand, needful things and IT immensely.

on a side note...

evil_deadman...which bentley little books have you read? i have recently discovered hima dn have read the association, the mailman and the walking. what do you recommend? i have about 10 more of his books.

evil_deadman 05-31-2006 03:51 PM

Definatively "The Collection.the stories are a bit bizarre,but fun as hell to read..also The Revelation.
The House
The Ignored
The Store
as well as the ones you've mentioned..especially ..The Mailman and The Walking .Lots of "The"in his titles..lol,but hell i dont care..i just like his style

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