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Wicked Pussycat 12-30-2003 05:41 AM

Possibly my most favorite horror movie of all time.

It may be low budget, but for its age it was good for its suspence.

I watched it first when i was 5 (Im 14 now) and i've watched all of the movies since then.

Im hooked on it, but im somewhat pissed off with the low quality sequals they are churning out now.

Classic horror is the best and no other movies can live up to them

Ps. I think this thread should be in the classic horror forum because it truly was a turning point in horror.

dmihatmttl 12-30-2003 05:49 AM

Agreed -- a true classic of suspense. The original HALLOWEEN is definitely one of my favorites as well . . . .

Great avatar and name, btw, WickedPussycat. Danzig rules (and I *love* that song). :)

James N.

Wicked Pussycat 12-30-2003 06:38 AM

Oh thankyou.

Yes the best Halloween is the origional, but i dont know what went wrong with number 3.

I think they origionally intended to use Halloween as a movie series where they talk about things that happen on halloween at Haddonfield (is that the plcae I have'nt watched it in ages)

avenger00soul 12-30-2003 07:35 AM


Originally posted by Wicked Pussycat
Oh thankyou.

Yes the best Halloween is the origional, but i dont know what went wrong with number 3.

I think they origionally intended to use Halloween as a movie series where they talk about things that happen on halloween at Haddonfield (is that the plcae I have'nt watched it in ages)

You are half-right. They were going to make the series just about crazy shit happening on Halloween. I don't think Haddonfield was involved with it though. And, yes, I like your avatar as well.

As far as Halloween goes, it's an untouchable classic.

Wicked Pussycat 12-31-2003 12:59 AM

Yeah they kinda brought back Michael Myers in no 4.

The crowds wanted him.

Michael Myers 1 12-31-2003 05:56 PM

Hi guys im new here and i would like to say Michael Myers Rocks Period. He is not the one that started Psycho and TCM but he is the one that started Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. So you have to give credit for this 300,000 budget film that made huge hits in the box office only a couple days later that it came out. And i think the only way to kill Michael is in the box office :D

orangestar 01-01-2004 10:26 AM

I didnt Dislike Halloween exactly....but I did find it kind of boring.
I have to blame this on the fact that I am also 14 years old and I have grown up with the super fast paced stuff they are churning out. It sucks because everyone loves movies like Halloween & TCM but they are just a little to slow for my tastes.

Michael Myers 1 01-01-2004 01:57 PM

i love halloween

Wicked Pussycat 01-01-2004 11:48 PM

I prefer slow thrilling movies.

Im 14 and Im used to old things, I respect old movies because I know they are good and they haven't been churned out.

thehalk 01-03-2004 09:41 AM

I like halloween im also 14

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