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chaibill 04-11-2007 06:34 PM

Hostel, Why Do People Not Like It
when i ask people about HOSTEL they either like it or hate it...Why is this? what did you think of it?....one kid said today he liked the story but thought it could of been told better

I thought it was a good film the acting was a little inexpirienced but it usally is in horror movies..i did like the scene with the famous japanese director Takashi Miike when he ask him "how the museum is" and he replies "you could spend a lot of money in there"

and that character actor forget his name but he asks the star how he should kill his person ---he was really into it---- nice job

and the ending was cool too it had alot of good scenes that i think alot of people won't forget even if you did't like it

did it rip off any previous films is that why people don't like it?

bloodrayne 04-11-2007 06:40 PM

Well, I loved the 25 minute Horror movie...I hated the 45 minute soft-core porno

chaibill 04-11-2007 06:47 PM

really you think it was too much there wasn't that much sex in it was there

Posher778 04-11-2007 07:08 PM

That was a horror movie? Oh... that explains why it was cheaper than the rest of the pron films at the hotel......

alkytrio666 04-11-2007 07:23 PM

I'll give you a straight-up answer:

It was a cheap gimmick.

I felt insulted after watching it, but not for the same reasons mothers were angry and censors were flaring. I felt insulted because I had been suckered into watching a big budget horror movie with a no budget idea; I had been exposed to characters I immediatey didn't like that I was supposed to give a damn about; I, being a teenager, was given a stereotypical "teen" movie. I felt as though the film was made by a 60 year old, overly-horny man who was given several million dollars and instructions to make a horror movie targeted at teenagers that was "hip" by today's standards.

I hate Hostel because it's Euro Trip with some uncreative violence.

Riff 04-11-2007 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by alkytrio666 (Post 586299)
I'll give you a straight-up answer:

It was a cheap gimmick.

I felt insulted after watching it, but not for the same reasons mothers were angry and censors were flaring. I felt insulted because I had been suckered into watching a big budget horror movie with a no budget idea; I had been exposed to characters I immediatey didn't like that I was supposed to give a damn about; I, being a teenager, was given a stereotypical "teen" movie. I felt as though the film was made by a 60 year old, overly-horny man who was given several million dollars and instructions to make a horror movie targeted at teenagers that was "hip" by today's standards.

I hate Hostel because it's Euro Trip with some uncreative violence.

Sadly, I think Euro trip had a better plot...

I've got to agree. This was a mixture of softcore porn and gore. That's it. There was little to no attempt at attaching a story to it. I have no problem with either softcore porn or gore, but to build a movie up as one of the most disturbing films ever made and then hand us this is insulting. If gore bothers you, it might be a little disturbing, but even that wasn't done so well it stands out. I've seen scarier film school projects than this.

chaibill 04-11-2007 07:47 PM

for some one to even watch eurotrip is silly you can tell its garbage from the tv comercials....

what did you think of cabin fever

Riff 04-11-2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by chaibill (Post 586304)
for some one to even watch eurotrip is silly you can tell its garbage from the tv comercials....

Exactly my point, you got what was advertised...

And I actually got a kick out of Cabin Fever, but I view it as a dark comedy.

Roderick Usher 04-11-2007 08:23 PM

I liked Hostel. Good times. The indictment of Ugly Americanism and the way it embraced both the sex and the gore that characterizes this sort of exploitation made this one a fine time.

Nothing brilliant, but better than plenty others.

chaibill 04-11-2007 08:29 PM

it was better than house of wax, desperation, touristas and fear dot com.

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