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-   -   Michael Myers vs. Pinhead - Yay or Nay? (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=301)

Tony 10-01-2003 02:17 PM

Michael Myers vs. Pinhead - Yay or Nay?
The official Michael Myers vs. Pinhead poll has ended. What did the fans think? [details]

Unregistered 10-02-2003 06:22 AM

I think you should have Pinhead vs. Michael Myers! If Freedy vs. Jasson was a success then this movie should be to!!

Unregistered 10-02-2003 07:26 AM

Pinhead would win.

Vampyra 10-02-2003 07:53 AM

Why Pinhead? Out of all the horror char why him? Not starting a argument but just asking why? I think Jason vs Michael would be better, but since Jason vs Freddy has already been done..what about Leatherface or even Angela from Sleepaway camp?

Unregistered 10-02-2003 08:38 AM

I think Michael Myers vs. Pinhead would be a silly combination. They should use another serial killer type with Michael Myers, like Jason or Leatherface. Maybe they could pit him against Simon from "The Ugly."

If they want a "Pinhead vs." movie, they should pit him against another supernatural monster type (rather than just an unstoppable human maniac), like Samara/Sadako from "The Ring/Ringu" or a classic movie monster like Dracula.

Unregistered 10-02-2003 08:51 AM

that's just stupid. Micheal Myers is slightly backwards so wouldn't even be able to figure out the Lement configuration let alone be able to get it.

Unregistered 10-02-2003 09:15 AM

Im saying right now that this concept is total crap. As if the last 3 Hellraiser/Halloween movies didnt suck enough- a "Vs" film would truely kill the franchises. Picture Bionce Noels standing opposite Doug Bradly spouting some cheesy one liner about how shes got "soul' or somthing equally as trite befor she attacks him with a bat. Come on. If this does get made I garantee there will be thousands of hardcore horror fans who will be seriously let down (yet again) by a genre that become more camp and parody than actual story telling.

dmihatmttl 10-02-2003 11:02 AM

Well Said.
Amen. Well said, Unregistered. I totally agree . . . .

IMO, it is crap like this that gives the horror genre a bad name. Pure silliness.


roguesblight 10-02-2003 02:23 PM

I am also in agreement here! Michael vs Pinhead? They don't go! It's like oil and water! But Angela vs Jason, that would be a cool flik! Winner kills all campers!

avenger00soul 10-02-2003 02:58 PM

I think they should stop with the versus movies BEFORE they get out of hand. Alien vs. Predator better kick ass.

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