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Rayne 09-19-2007 04:47 AM

"Dead" Man Wakes Up During Autopsy
"Dead" Man Wakes Up Under Autopsy Knife

Caracus, Venezuela - A Venezuelan man who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began their autopsy.

Carlos Camejo, 33, was declared dead after a highway accident and taken to the morgue, where examiners began an autopsy only to realize something was amiss when he started bleeding. They quickly sought to stitch up the incision on his face.

"I woke up because the pain was unbearable," Camejo said, according to a report on Friday in leading local newspaper El Universal.

His grieving wife turned up at the morgue to identify her husband's body only to find him moved into a corridor -- and alive.

Reuters could not immediately reach hospital officials to confirm the events.

But Camejo showed the newspaper his facial scar and a document ordering the autopsy.

illdojo 09-19-2007 03:19 PM

Talk about a "Rude Awakening".... Forensic Pathology must be behind the times in old Venezuela. :D

Kemal 09-20-2007 05:55 PM

I keep telling you people: zombies are real.

_____V_____ 09-21-2007 09:07 AM

Scarred for life takes a whole new meaning here.

Rayne 09-21-2007 09:27 AM

What I don't understand about this (other than the obvious 'how could they NOT know he wasn't dead?'), is why they cut his face...Doesn't an autopsy usually start with the Y incision?

_____V_____ 09-21-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Rayne (Post 629530)
What I don't understand about this (other than the obvious 'how could they NOT know he wasn't dead?'), is why they cut his face...Doesn't an autopsy usually start with the Y incision?

Maybe they were checking to see if he had any brains attached behind those eyes.

Despare 09-21-2007 11:28 AM

Reminds me of... I think The Twilight Zone, where the guy is declared dead but before he undergoes his autopsy he learns to tap his finger. Unfortuanatly they lay him on his finger and he's almost sliced and diced before they see him crying. Vague recollection but it was the first thing I thought of when I read this. Like Rayne said, how did they not know he was alive? I don't know, maybe checking for a pulse before sending him to the chopping table would be a good idea.

EDIT: It was a Hitchcock show, not a Twilight Zone.

Vodstok 09-24-2007 07:11 AM

Com ON people.... I'm sure he looked dead....

They are doctors, not gods you know. They cant be expected to think of everything.

the_man_you_fear 09-25-2007 05:40 PM

yeah but maybe you should take a pulse or somthing before you cut open a "corpse" I mean isnt that like the first page of the coraners handbook. MAKE SURE THEYRE DEAD.

Vodstok 09-26-2007 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by the_man_you_fear (Post 631477)
yeah but maybe you should take a pulse or somthing before you cut open a "corpse" I mean isnt that like the first page of the coraners handbook. MAKE SURE THEYRE DEAD.

I would be willing to bet it isnt. A lot of people in positions like this make assumptions, like the guy who declared him dead actually knew what the fuck they were doing...

I am thinking that they dont have a gtreat system of checks and balances when handling dead bodies vs live ones in that country.

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