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sleepaway 02-23-2004 03:06 AM

How long did you watch X-Files for?
Weird post I guess but did anyone actually watch it all the way through to the end?

I think I gave up somewhere mid seventh season as it just got boring and they were getting so many plot holes, especially the whole Samantha thing.

I did catch a few later with Doggett who seemed better than Mulder, or at least a nice change.

Favourite epsiodes anyone? I always though the one with the mutant Cher fan was just too funny!

And this is my 600th post so I wanted to use it up before I logged out!!! :D

Vodstok 02-23-2004 04:56 AM

YAY sleepaway! 600, whooooo!

I lost interest towards the end also. I liked that they had a running plot throught the whole series, but when they got to the last episiode and STILL said "you will never know even part of the story", i was just like way to go dipshits.... It was like the final episode of Farscape. They roll the credits and you are left saying "I sat through all those seasons for THAT?!?! What the fuck......."

I liked having Robert Patrick on the show, but he will always be the t1000 to me, so i kept expecting him to melt.

bloodygurl02 02-23-2004 05:19 PM

i forget what season i stoped watching i know it had to be aroud wahtever season they started in 97. cuz i moved and we had only one tv cuz the other i watched x files on belonged to my brother in law so they took it back and since we only had one tv i wasn't aloud to watch it cuz my mom hates the show so thats when i lost track of things. i watch the repeats to try and catch up. a coup;e yrs i got my own tv in my room and watched it and was lost. but when dogget came i just lost interest cuz i just thought the mulder and chemistry was gone so i just thought forget it not the same any more and i haven't seen in in a couple yrs so i stopped watching it.

sleepaway 02-24-2004 02:56 AM


Originally posted by Vodstok
YAY sleepaway! 600, whooooo!

I lost interest towards the end also. I liked that they had a running plot throught the whole series, but when they got to the last episiode and STILL said "you will never know even part of the story", i was just like way to go dipshits.... It was like the final episode of Farscape. They roll the credits and you are left saying "I sat through all those seasons for THAT?!?! What the fuck......."

I liked having Robert Patrick on the show, but he will always be the t1000 to me, so i kept expecting him to melt.

I gave up watching Farscape as it just wasn't going anywhere but it started off really well. There just seemed like no ongoing goal or anything worth the continuous viewing.

I actually forget Rob Patrick was the T1000 now. He was good in Fire In The Sky. I wish that was on DVD.

I totally missed the final X-Files episode. I saw the one before though - the Brady Bunch one!!

Sam The Egg 02-24-2004 01:07 PM

I watched it back when it had more horror elements than drama

sleepaway 02-25-2004 02:49 AM


Originally posted by Sam The Egg
I watched it back when it had more horror elements than drama
Yeah I prefered it then too. The conspiracy stuff got boring. Much prefered the monster off the week type shows.

Vodstok 02-26-2004 04:46 AM

I loved the earlier episodes like Darkness Falls (not the fucking movie......) and the one with the Flatworm man. And Tooms.

BAck when the episodes focused on weird people and monsters. The conspiracy stuff was cool for the first few seasons, but eventually the "You know nothing. now you know everything. But that was a lie" bullshit got realllll old.

I also miss the older episodes, right after gillian anderson had her baby, when they decided to "market" the fact that she was a new mother and put her in low cut shirts.

Okay, i'm a perv, sue me. I actually started watching the show because i stayed home one friday, decided to try it out (it had been out 3 years and i hadntr seen one). it was the episode where a guy flew over from africa, and he was killing other black men by draining them of all of their melanin, leaving them white. Scully cralwed around through some vents with a low cut blouse and a flashlight. I became a regular watcher and still watch it on sci fi when i get a chance :)

Dreaming Girl 02-26-2004 06:31 PM

I was a hardcore fan up through the end of season four. Season five I started to slip a little... missed a couple of episode here and there... but I kept up a pretty good pace until the end of season six. I pretty much stopped watching after that.

baileyrecords 02-26-2004 08:02 PM

I missed all of the first 2 seasons until syndication... but I watched everything, every week from Season 3 Premiere to the show's final episode.

- Stratos

Arioch 02-26-2004 09:09 PM

They had some really good episodes (like the cockroach episode). But starting loosing me as the seasons wore on.

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