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-   -   Anyone like to do a review on my horror artwork? (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=50349)

AsylumArtefacts 03-24-2009 03:51 PM

Award winning horror artist, Macarbe and Twisted
Greetings fellow horror heads just thought i,d share my dark, macabre and twisted gallery of grotesque horror artwork with you all.

I,ve won the open fantasy art comp The Guild Of The Golden Owl(judges award), been featured by Fangoria and Cyberschizoid, and had my worked published in the horror paperback On Consecrated Ground VOL.2.

I,m currently looking for any oppurtunities to gain extra exposure for my work including DVD covers, album cover, books, creature design for film both major and independent, if anyone has any commission work or knows of any going please let me know.

My current collection can be found at http://www.asylumartefacts.com

were i have limited edition prints, t-shirts and tattoo flash sets,


Award winning print The Pit

Thank you!!! for your time reading this post ahd hope you enjoy my work.

AsylumArtefacts 03-24-2009 03:56 PM

Anyone like to do a review on my horror artwork?
If anyone's interested in doing a review on my horror art, please let me know, this link will take you to were you can view my work, http://www.asylumartefacts.com


Doc Faustus 03-26-2009 09:56 AM

If you're not just here to spam, PM me. I don't feel qualified to review, but I'd like to discuss something.

AsylumArtefacts 03-28-2009 05:44 PM

Message sent, just let me know what it is you wish to discuss, i,m all ears.

Papillon Noir 04-23-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by AsylumArtefacts (Post 796114)
If anyone's interested in doing a review on my horror art, please let me know, this link will take you to were you can view my work, http://www.asylumartefacts.com


What kind of review are you looking for?

UngodlyWarlock 04-23-2009 10:33 AM

You art definitely has that "old school horror T-shirt vibe" to it, which is cool. I do think they look a little "dirty", though. I would recommend trying to work in inks (Rapidograph works for most people, lots of different sizes and available in most art supply stores..or your local Amazon, obviously).

Some people can make the strait up pencil shading work, but in your case, I think you need to move up to ink especially if you intend to try to sell them (which obviously you do...btw, it's a LITTLE tacky to have your links go directly to ebay pages. If you want to sell your originals, just put on your site that all originals are for sale and to email you if interested. If you want a true gallery, those thumbnails should just enlarge to bigger images. I felt duped :p ). Hell, I can tell that you are even stippling quite a bit, which will be gorgeous in ink.

Content wise, it's fun art...like I said, reminds me of that oldschool look and I like that. When/if you do try inks out, just remember not to press so hard on the pencils so you can erase them and leave the ink. It'll look a lot better to see black and white instead of dark gray, light gray, and mushy smudged gray. ;)


Cheetara101 04-26-2009 05:57 AM

I, too, feel that your artwork has an "old school horror" vibe. I think that is awesome! I wish the images could have been enlarged even more to see.

I'm not an art expert but I do know what catches my eye. I've always have been a fan of Clive Barker, Paul Booth, Salvador Dali's visual art work. After reviewing your artwork, I like what I see.:)

AsylumArtefacts 04-26-2009 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by UngodlyWarlock (Post 802299)
You art definitely has that "old school horror T-shirt vibe" to it, which is cool. I do think they look a little "dirty", though. I would recommend trying to work in inks (Rapidograph works for most people, lots of different sizes and available in most art supply stores..or your local Amazon, obviously).

Some people can make the strait up pencil shading work, but in your case, I think you need to move up to ink especially if you intend to try to sell them (which obviously you do...btw, it's a LITTLE tacky to have your links go directly to ebay pages. If you want to sell your originals, just put on your site that all originals are for sale and to email you if interested. If you want a true gallery, those thumbnails should just enlarge to bigger images. I felt duped :p ). Hell, I can tell that you are even stippling quite a bit, which will be gorgeous in ink.

Content wise, it's fun art...like I said, reminds me of that oldschool look and I like that. When/if you do try inks out, just remember not to press so hard on the pencils so you can erase them and leave the ink. It'll look a lot better to see black and white instead of dark gray, light gray, and mushy smudged gray. ;)


Thank you for your feedback, thats interesting what you say about them having a "dirty" look, i wonder could the preview images be making this look worse, in person people seem to think there finely detailed and sharp, but i will agree with you that inks do give a more clean look, i used to use inks only but switched to pencil a few years ago, mainly for more control doing the details, did you have a look at my piece the The Pit.http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI....m=150335303719, this one is ink and pencil.

My site is actually only a homepage to my ebay store and not a stand alone site, (so i can have my own domain name), customising is basically zero unfortuently, having my own proper gallery site is something i,m working on at the moment, point taken on feeling duped, this is something i,ve be wondering about, a online garage sale is probably not the best place to try and sell art.

Yep ol school horror art from a ol school horror fan,not hard to guess i grew up on 80's horror huh? :D thanks again for your feedback most appreciated and taken on board, cheers.

AsylumArtefacts 04-26-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Papillon Noir (Post 802286)
What kind of review are you looking for?

Anything really from peoples feedback on my work to magazine/website reviews anything that can help is good whether it's a review with a major magazine or just somebodies thoughts, do you have someting in mind?

AsylumArtefacts 04-26-2009 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cheetara101 (Post 802783)
I, too, feel that your artwork has an "old school horror" vibe. I think that is awesome! I wish the images could have been enlarged even more to see.

I'm not an art expert but I do know what catches my eye. I've always have been a fan of Clive Barker, Paul Booth, Salvador Dali's visual art work. After reviewing your artwork, I like what I see.:)

Thank you, i,m a ol school horror fan for sure, always been into horror, i must admit Clive Barker and Paul Booth have been huge inspirations to me, thanks again for feedback, like you said you don't have to be an expert to know what you like, or don't like for that matter, cheers.

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