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ChronoGrl 12-20-2009 06:33 PM

The Squirrel Machine
Haven't picked it up yet, but it got a RAVE review from Rue Morgue Magazine this month. Also, turns out that the author grew up in the small rural town next over from where I grew up, Ashburnham, MA. I also joked that that place was like Texas Chainsaw Massacre country... Well...

Here is

The Squirrel Machine


From what I read, this might be too icky for my taste, but I can't help but be DRAWN to this graphic novel. Thought I'd post here, see if anyone is interested and/or if anyone's read it. Check it out. Let me know what you think? Intrigued? Or too icky? Or both?



A rodential ensnarement device? A mechanism for concealing one's guarded harvest? An anachronistic fable for the convulsion elite? A nugatory diversion for the subliterate?

Situated in a fictive 19th Century New England town, two brothers, Edmund and William Torpor confront public scorn when they reveal their musical creations built from strange technologies and scavenged animal carcasses. Driven to seek a concealment for their aberrant activities, they make a startling discovery. Will they divine the mystery of THE SQUIRREL MACHINE?

An immutably strange and haunting narrative that transcends known logics and presumptive dream-barriers. A distillation of Under-Brain beauty and madness. A dangerous object for the incautious. A revelation for the undernourished crypto-seeker . The virgin caress of unconsumated apocalypse. The unspeakable thing that YOU ALWAYS KNEW.

Coming this Autumn from Fantagraphics Books. A meticulously rendered work of anti-logic by legendary obscurantist Hans Rickheit, the nebulous individual responsible for Xeric Award winning graphic novel CHLOE and the critically acclaimed CHROME FETUS COMICS series. Critics have described his work as being "languidly decadent," "startingly unique," and "a stomach-ache on paper." Come, situate yourself at the loading docks of the subconscious and fill your brainbag with sublime cerebral serenity!

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