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katdad 09-03-2010 10:50 PM

Scariest TV episode ever?
What do you regard as the specific scariest or most horrofic single TV episode? Not a whole series, but a specific episode that stands out?

Close to the top is Trilogy of Terror w. Karen Black about that Voodoo doll she can't kill.

Another good one is not exactly horrorific, but unsettling, "Where the Woodbine Twineth", a Hitchcock Hour episode, about a young girl in a southern mansion who becomes infatuated with a doll.

But for me, the single most frightening TV episode ever is "The Jar" from the 1964 Hitchcock Hour -- you can watch it on Hulu. This is NOT the 1986 remake which was inferior. The original stars Pat Buttram and Billy Barty. Brrrr...

TheWickerFan 09-04-2010 02:21 AM

Can't possibly pick just one. Here are some that stand out:

Night Gallery - The Caterpillar
Masters Of Horror - The Screwfly Solution
Twilight Zone - To Serve Man
Beasts - During Barty's Party
Ray Bradbury Theater - Zero Hour
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Hush
Tales Of The Unexpected - Man From The South
Hammer House Of Horror - Silent Scream

Sistinas666 09-04-2010 02:58 AM

I'm addicted to True Blood so I am probably worthless on this subject-or any subject in general....

katdad 09-05-2010 10:07 PM

As I remember, Caterpillar is a redo of "The Earwig", right? I enjoyed both for style but the fun was spoiled since I was a biology major and knew that the brain has no pain receptors at all. A classic horror story anyway.

To Serve Man is also a classic but they telegraphed the ending such that it was a giveaway. Seeing the ep repeated, I was amused that the aliens are trying to make the humans eat good food but still let them smoke nasty cigarettes. ha ha

I'll check out the other eps you listed, since they are not familiar to me.

But let me ask, how do you like The Jar?

TheWickerFan 09-06-2010 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by katdad (Post 873554)
As I remember, Caterpillar is a redo of "The Earwig", right? I enjoyed both for style but the fun was spoiled since I was a biology major and knew that the brain has no pain receptors at all. A classic horror story anyway.

To Serve Man is also a classic but they telegraphed the ending such that it was a giveaway. Seeing the ep repeated, I was amused that the aliens are trying to make the humans eat good food but still let them smoke nasty cigarettes. ha ha

I'll check out the other eps you listed, since they are not familiar to me.

But let me ask, how do you like The Jar?

Been too long since I've seen Alfred Hitchcock Presents so I can't remember that episode.

Not sure what "The Earwig" is, but The Caterpillar was based on a short story called "Boomerang" by Oscar Cook.

ChronoGrl 09-06-2010 07:35 AM

When I was in middle school, I used to watch this show on Nichelodeon called "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

Used to creep me out... Decent scary show for young adults...

The_Return 09-06-2010 12:15 PM

Surprised nobody's mentioned Nightmare at 20,000 Feet (Twilight Zone)...the version in the movie was OK, but man - the original is nothing short of terrifying.

And Chrono's right, Are You Afraid of the Dark had some scary shit. The Tale of the Night Shift and The Tale of the Dollmaker stand out as some of the best.

bloody_ribcut 09-06-2010 03:15 PM

Tales from the Darkside-Trick or Treat

X¤MurderDoll¤X 09-06-2010 04:07 PM

so many nightmares...

katdad 09-06-2010 10:26 PM

Wick, I'd suggest that you call up "The Jar" on Hulu -- begins w. Hitchcock's intro as he's standing inside a big glass jar -- that's how you can recognize the episode. My all time favorite horror episode on TV ever.

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