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-   -   BLOOD WAS EVERYWHERE announces release date, short film and new trailer (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58823)

BlooWasEverywhere 10-04-2011 06:13 AM

BLOOD WAS EVERYWHERE announces release date, short film and new trailer
Hey fellow horror fans, Jason Torrey here with some great news about my new indie slasher film BLOOD WAS EVERYWHERE!

We have selected November 5th, 2011 for the premiere at The Green Room in Uxbridge, MA.

A NEW trailer is in the works and will be made available 1st at Rock N Shock in Worcester, MA on October 14th, and then the following week it will be posted on YouTube.

And finally, our companion short film THIS IS DEREK debuted online last week and can be seen right here, we called it our trailer at first but people got confused because it's not a "trailer" in the regular sense of the term, so now look at it as a prologue to the feature, here's the URL:


We hope you dig it! Thanks for checking us out. I LOVE this site and I'm glad to finally have something to share with all of you!

For more info visit us @ http://www.facebook.com/BloodWasEverywhere

MichaelMyers 10-04-2011 06:34 AM

How wide is the release for said film.

BlooWasEverywhere 10-04-2011 10:26 AM

Theatrically we will likely just hit New England, with plans to hit NY and LA. It all depends on how successful our screenings are, if the New England screenings go well and we are not digging ourselves a financial grave touring the movie on our own then we can expand into other territories. We are also seeking DVD and VOD options for next year.

MichaelMyers 10-04-2011 10:36 AM

Good. Hopefully BLOOD WAS EVERYWHERE will BE everywhere! :D

Sistinas666 10-04-2011 11:50 AM

I hope you have luck but honestly, 3 minutes into a 6 minute trailer and I was bored. I understand the character development but 3 minutes of that was boring and I turned the trailer off. He was ranting in a car on a cell phone. Thats all it was. A trailer is supposed to appeal and get one excited...not bore the crap out of the viewer. You need something more flashy with impending doom in the trailer. I have no doubt you may have an excellent short on your hands and in no way did I mean to be rude. Just some constructive criticism.:)

BlooWasEverywhere 10-04-2011 11:41 PM

I can see your point, it's certainly not for everyone as a trailer, and you're not alone either. Based on the feedback we got so far we've decided to cut a traditional trailer to really drive it all home. I will post that here by October 16th. In the meantime, to really get into the BWE experience please finish watching the short, I think you'll end up liking it. Don't look at it as a trailer anymore, try to see it as a prologue. It was made in the same vein as the feature, we have fully fleshed out characters in our film, realistic portrayals of regular people like you and me. And the short is actually the original 1st scene, but we cut it from the script and rewrote it as something different but similar that you'll end up seeing as the 1st kill scene in the feature film. It's also referenced by several characters as an event in the context of the film, so it pays to watch it. We shot the short out in my back yard in August, 2 days of filming, skeleton crew, I was working lights and sound as well as directing, no PAs, no budget, we shot for like 2 hours each night. Lotta fun, actually. If you really wanna dig in to the BWE world look up BLOOD WAS EVERYWHERE on YouTube and see what else we've posted. Cheers.

Sistinas666 10-05-2011 07:56 AM

Well thats not something you see everyday, someone who promotes their film that actually comes back to address our criticism. Congrats to you Bloo( :p ), I hope your film is a success and I hope you stick around the forum.

BlooWasEverywhere 10-08-2011 04:30 PM

Haha, well I'm not your average film maker! Criticism is good, it helps one learn and grow. I'll be floating around here and there, trying to work all the horror forums that exist isn't an easy task ;-)


newb 10-08-2011 07:27 PM

wait.....what the fuck is bloo?

BlooWasEverywhere 10-09-2011 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by newb (Post 906587)
wait.....what the fuck is bloo?

It is an unfortunate typo... I meant it to say "blood"... Didn't notice til it was too late.

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