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Jeremy Vaeni 06-17-2013 08:02 PM

Horror Flicks You Used To Find Scary But Now Laugh At, But Still Sometimes Find Scary
It's a weird thing when a horror movie turns laughable with age. But it's a weirder thing when it turns laughable and yet sometimes, if you watch it in the right mood, can still scare you.

Three movies that come to mind for me are: The Shining, Silence of The Lambs (if that counts as horror and not a thriller), and Ghost Dad. (Just kidding. Maybe.)

Zombie369 06-17-2013 08:50 PM

I know what you mean, the majority of the horror movies that I first watched as a kid used to scare me but now I think most of them are pretty laughable despite the fact that I still enjoy watching them.

The only ones that still scare me are the Final Destination movies. I just don't like watching those movies because of the idea of people getting killed by freak accidents that can't be stopped just bothers me. Give me ghosts and demons and flesh-eating zombies any day over that. :D

TokyoTenshi 06-17-2013 09:28 PM

Evil Dead. I used to be so scared to watch it at night when I was 9, but it was the movie that got me obsessed with horror movies. But now I still feel a bit scared if I watch it alone after midnight.. :D

metternich1815 06-18-2013 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Vaeni (Post 951039)
It's a weird thing when a horror movie turns laughable with age. But it's a weirder thing when it turns laughable and yet sometimes, if you watch it in the right mood, can still scare you.

Three movies that come to mind for me are: The Shining, Silence of The Lambs (if that counts as horror and not a thriller), and Ghost Dad. (Just kidding. Maybe.)

I wouldn't call The Shining or The Silence of the Lambs laughable. They may not be scary, but they are still brilliant materpieces. Two movies that I don't really conisder scary that I thought were when I was younger were Jeepers Creepers and A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). I still consider these films as great horror movies, but just not really scary.

Kandarian Demon 06-18-2013 02:45 AM

Ghostbusters! Which is, by the way, in my top 3 favourite movies of all time. I used to be TERRIFIED of Slimer, now I think he's cute :D

Buuut... the library ghost... she still scares me sometimes. And if I'm in the right mood, the whole movie makes me want to check under the bed before I go to sleep. I think it's because I remember how it made me feel as a little kid.

Bob Gray 06-19-2013 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by metternich1815 (Post 951046)
I wouldn't call The Shining or The Silence of the Lambs laughable. They may not be scary, but they are still brilliant materpieces. Two movies that I don't really conisder scary that I thought were when I was younger were Jeepers Creepers and A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). I still consider these films as great horror movies, but just not really scary.

There are very funny parts in both of those films, you just have to be a little demented to see them.

xX_StarChild_Xx 06-19-2013 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Gray (Post 951186)
There are very funny parts in both of those films, you just have to be a little demented to see them.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to BASH your fucking brains in!"


"He said 'I can smell your cunt' "

"I see...I myself, cannot"

Both shining examples of demented humour in both films. :)

On the topic at hand, the Puppet Master films, for me are prime examples. I used to be so scared of Blade, but fascinated at the same time. Now, they're really funny to me in parts, but the stop motion work still has the ability to make my skin crawl sometimes.

Basket Case is another example.

metternich1815 06-19-2013 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by xX_StarChild_Xx (Post 951189)
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to BASH your fucking brains in!"


"He said 'I can smell your cunt' "

"I see...I myself, cannot"

Both shining examples of demented humour in both films. :)

On the topic at hand, the Puppet Master films, for me are prime examples. I used to be so scared of Blade, but fascinated at the same time. Now, they're really funny to me in parts, but the stop motion work still has the ability to make my skin crawl sometimes.

Basket Case is another example.

Of course, The Shining and possibly The Silence of the Lambs could have funny parts, but I consider that different than being laughable. Actually, "bash your brains in" line is one of my favorite lines in that movie (I agree it is quite hilarious). As for Puppetmaster, they never really scared me, but then again I am not sure if I watched them when I was younger. I could not even imagine them possibly being scary now. I have never seen Basketcase, but I have heard of it.

xX_StarChild_Xx 06-19-2013 06:03 PM

I agree that it doesn't make them laughable at all. Both movies were a couple of the most frightening films I have ever seen, and I will always swear by The Shining. I think after 2001, it's Kubricks...shining...achievement. So full of dread and paranoia that it permeates every inch of me. Monthly watching for me, at least, if not much more. haha!

Frank Hennenlotter made a few really good B-flicks in the 80s. I would definitely recommend looking them up if you ever get a chance. Basket Case, for me is his best work. But there is also Brain Damage, about a parasitic alien that injects a hallucinogenic drug into his host's brain stem, and Frankenhooker, which is exactly what it sounds like. :D

He also recently made a film called Bad Biology, which I have not seen yet but I've heard amazing things about it and is one that is up on the top of my list of films to catch up on. :)

metternich1815 06-19-2013 06:06 PM

I completely agree about The Shining. I will have to look into some of those movies. I am always looking for new horror movies to watch.

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