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Sculpt 08-13-2013 11:15 PM

Interesting Metaphysics & Human Nature Doc
Reminded me of the metaphysical observations from the "Resuscitation of Dead" article forum thread (where near death patients correctly identified pictures on the ceiling facing towards the ceiling)...

I just watched a documentary on Netflix called "I Am", made by American film director Tom Shadyac, who made Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, and became a multimillionaire in the process. He suffered months of post-concussion syndrome after a bike accident, which produces ringing in the ears, headaches depression & often suicide (as assumed with NFL player Junior Seau).

Anyway, he recovered on went on a quest interviewing various scientists, political, religious & philosophy figures, fields to answer "What’s Wrong With the World? and What Can We Do About it?".

As you can imagine, the doc goes into many fields of study, in a very entertaining, humorous and digestible way. It would be a sort of spoiler to reveal the various answers without walking through the presentation of research & expert insight. So I'll just toss up some of more interesting research findings:

* Democratic Herds - Researchers trying to figure how deer herds decide to all go to 1 of many water holes. Assumed 1 dominate stag decided & herd would follow. Instead when 51% of deer point nose toward a particular hole, they all go to it, & stag follows. Documentary uses examples to examine how humankind's essential advantage & healthy state is more cooperative, democratic & compassionate, as opposed to constant conflict, violence, competition, dog-eat-dog, survival of the fittest state.

* Heart Precongnition - Researchers find human heartbeats have various wave signatures (between the beats) that correspond to human emotional states (1 wave matches fear, or anger, or compassion, etc). And something else was noticed. While subjects hooked up to monitors, they would view various images, computer randomized to evoke the various emotional states (such as brutal murder scene to evoke revulsion).

Researches began to observe the heart signature would change to the corresponding emotional wave form 2-3 seconds before the emotional picture would appear. These findings suggest a precognition (knowing info before normal 6 senses could reveal info). [I just did a little google search and found paper published specifically on this research The Journal of Scientific Exploration (2004) called "Electrodermal Presentiments of Future Emotions."]

Makes one want to review the experimental controls. Results are difficult to believe. Anyway the documentary is exploring how we are interconnected with others, nature, universe in ways unexpected.

Highly recommend it to everyone. Very thought/heart provoking.

neverending 08-13-2013 11:49 PM

Very interesting!

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