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-   -   Naked Zombie Girl - A grindhouse style zombie horror short film (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63507)

steevo 09-09-2013 08:31 PM

Naked Zombie Girl - A grindhouse style zombie horror short film
Hectic Films' latest production is "Naked Zombie Girl".
The premise?
A woman shredding through zombies with a chainsaw while nude.
This is a zombie film for zombie fans.
Check out the trailer...


We have created an Indiegogo campaign to raise more funds to complete the film.
Only 11 days left to join Team NZG.
Help make a movie and get your name immortalized on film.
Donate if you can or share this with friends.
Any help is much appreciated.

Official site @ http://www.nakedzombiegirlmovie.com

"LIKE" us on Facebook


newb 12-16-2013 06:42 PM

looks like you only raised $2,700....perhaps you should take that money and buy that poor girl some clothes.

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