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rjwonline 11-10-2015 11:17 AM

A Nightmare on Elm Street REBOOT - New Face Of Freddy!
1 Attachment(s)
It's been recently confirmed that A Nightmare on Elm Street is getting a reboot, who do you think should play the new Freddy Krueger? I'd cast Willem Dafoe, William Fichtner, Jared Leto or Jake Gyllenhaal.......... BUT... Here's the article:


Morningriser 11-10-2015 11:46 AM

I heard about this a while back. I thought Robert Englund was coming back though. The remake that came out a while back was horrible and I would only imagine having someone else playing Freddy wouldn't make it any better. If Englund plays Freddy I will check it out but otherwise, no thanks.

Jake.Ashworth 11-10-2015 01:55 PM

I was actually really happy with how Jackie Earl Hayley played Freddy. Its not his fault the writing was terrible. He had the right kind of presence, maybe needed to work on the voice a little more, but otherwise he did a great job.

Robert Englund will not play Freddy again. There isn't even a remote chance. But I will never snub a remake because it doesn't run the same people. Remakes are a good thing and a necessity to keep the originals alive. I will happily see this when it comes out.

Roiffalo 11-10-2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jake.Ashworth (Post 1005358)
Remakes are a good thing and a necessity to keep the originals alive.

I'm sorry, friend, what...

You're surely entitled to your opinion, but I don't see how molesting a classic can keep the originals alive. (I'm speaking of remakes in general, not just the NOES series.)

Jake.Ashworth 11-11-2015 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Roiffalo (Post 1005388)
I'm sorry, friend, what...

You're surely entitled to your opinion, but I don't see how molesting a classic can keep the originals alive. (I'm speaking of remakes in general, not just the NOES series.)

Its not to terribly difficult. How many people do you think, young people, say 15-25 years old, saw the new NOES but had not seen the original? Odds are give or take 30% of the people who saw it had not seen the original. That 30% are a younger, much different crowd. After they see the new one maybe they are intrigued about the original and seek it out. You have to understand that an original slasher from the 80's will eventually fizzle and fade into oblivion as the people our age start to grow old and the movie is all but forgotten. To stretch that a little further and give you a feel for what I mean, there was a surge is sales for Bella Lugosi's Dracula following the release of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992. Why? Because a lot of the people who saw the new one became newly interested in seeing older ones.

Despite what we believe, movies have a shelf life if they are not watched, and in order to keep them being watched, newer, younger, and in some cases dumber audiences have to be pulled in and shown where to find them. We are not a huge army, we cannot show the world movies we grew up loving, but a remake can reintroduce a character to a new audience that might not have ever seen them before.

Geordie9 11-11-2015 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Morningriser (Post 1005349)
I heard about this a while back. I thought Robert Englund was coming back though. The remake that came out a while back was horrible and I would only imagine having someone else playing Freddy wouldn't make it any better. If Englund plays Freddy I will check it out but otherwise, no thanks.

Couldn't agree more.

Roiffalo 11-11-2015 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jake.Ashworth (Post 1005437)
Its not to terribly difficult. How many people do you think, young people, say 15-25 years old, saw the new NOES but had not seen the original? Odds are give or take 30% of the people who saw it had not seen the original. That 30% are a younger, much different crowd. After they see the new one maybe they are intrigued about the original and seek it out. You have to understand that an original slasher from the 80's will eventually fizzle and fade into oblivion as the people our age start to grow old and the movie is all but forgotten. To stretch that a little further and give you a feel for what I mean, there was a surge is sales for Bella Lugosi's Dracula following the release of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992. Why? Because a lot of the people who saw the new one became newly interested in seeing older ones.

Despite what we believe, movies have a shelf life if they are not watched, and in order to keep them being watched, newer, younger, and in some cases dumber audiences have to be pulled in and shown where to find them. We are not a huge army, we cannot show the world movies we grew up loving, but a remake can reintroduce a character to a new audience that might not have ever seen them before.

In some cases it works, if a reboot is thought out with even a LITTLE consideration. But then you get shit Tim Burton raping Dark Shadows and people get the wrong impression about the show and thing the show's terrible when it's really the movie that was absolute crap. I guess I should have rephrased that reboots are fine if the writer/director doesn't have their head(s) up their ass.

But there are channels and people dedicated to getting classics out there and opening the minds of people who will give something made with care a chance. If someone's too stupid to follow the story or appreciate the cinematography, then oh well they don't deserve it. You're weeding out bad fans then.

And I think you underestimate our army my friend, I knew much of horror before watching it and getting involved with the fandom. A classic doesn't die out, remakes or not. Names like Freddy, Micheal, and Jason's are not so easily forgotten.

Morningriser 11-11-2015 12:38 PM

I will say in defense of the remake that Freddy's makeup did resemble that of a burn victim more than Englund's makeup and he did have a darker side rather than a comedian with witty catch phrases. It would have been better if it had Rooney Mara's boobies in it.

Repo'd 11-11-2015 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Morningriser (Post 1005492)
I will say in defense of the remake that Freddy's makeup did resemble that of a burn victim more than Englund's makeup and he did have a darker side rather than a comedian with witty catch phrases. It would have been better if it had Rooney Mara's boobies in it.

And worse if it had Mickey Rooney's boobies in it, I imagine.

Morningriser 11-11-2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Repo'd (Post 1005507)
And worse if it had Mickey Rooney's boobies in it, I imagine.

you're just a regular buzz killington ::big grin::

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