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-   -   Demons sever head, hands from Virgin Mary Statue in MA? (https://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=66975)

MichaelMyers 03-31-2016 02:05 PM

Demons sever head, hands from Virgin Mary Statue in MA?
Head, Hands Severed From Virgin Mary Statue Outside Billerica Church



The head and hands of a Virgin Mary statue outside a Billerica church were removed, leading police to look for possible connections to similar recent incidents.

Billerica Police are investigating after the statue was defaced outside St. Mary’s Church on Boston Road.

A maintenance worker told police that the head and hands had been removed from the Virgin Mary statue sometime late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning.

On Tuesday, Burlington Police began an investigation after three statues were vandalized in a similar fashion.

Billerica Police said they are aware of the Burlington incident and other recent cases of vandalism and they are working to determine if they are connected.


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