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ChaoticMinister 10-27-2003 07:16 AM

Horror Inspiration
Inspiration is a funny thing... You and your work can be really looked down upon or critically acclaimed depending on where you got your material from... What made you think the way you did?

Does anyone know of the Inspiration behind various movies... Not just True Crime and Serial Killers, but like nightmares or experiences the writer/director/producer might have had, etc.

This might be an interesting thread...

I like to keep it that way...


avenger00soul 10-27-2003 07:34 AM

Well, Wes Craven named Freddy Krueger after a bully in his high school and says he based his appearance on a homeless man that scared the hell out of him when he was younger. I'll try to remember some more possible inspirations.

avenger00soul 10-27-2003 07:37 AM

Oh yeah, Eli Roth said that Cabin Fever was based on a real virus that HE had and David Cronenberg based The Brood on the divorce he was going through at the time.

Killer Clown#1 10-27-2003 08:22 AM

I can only think of one right now, Charles Band got the inspiration for Puppet Master from the little tiky man from trilogy of terror.

cypher2004 10-28-2003 02:48 PM

its not all about the scary insperation thou...

the famous catchphrase from 'The Shining' "Heeeere's Johnny" first came from the American Catchphrase tv show 3 years previous...

mudsliptones 11-14-2003 10:36 AM

off course, texas chainsaw massacre, psycho and silence of the lambs are inspired by ed "eddie" gein

and the freddy krueger thing is true, its on one of the DVDs
about a man in a hat staring at wes, then he walked away and heard a gate opening, so he must have been right at his front door, he called his brother, and the guy was away

NirvanaNole 11-14-2003 11:14 PM

To add on to Freddy, Wes got the idea for the story when he noticed several stories in LA regarding young, healthy individuals that were affraid to go to sleep and died in their sleep. He talks about it on one of the DVDs in the Nightmare box set.

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