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Old 11-11-2015, 07:48 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 2,014
HDC Horror Movie Draft Selection Thread

This thread is for draft picks only

Rules For Drafting

- Starting with #1 each player will choose a film when it is their turn in this format:

Movie Title (Year) Director

- Once the last player has selected their movie it will end the round and that same player will select again for the next round and the drafting order will go in reverse from the previous round. For example, the player who chooses first in round 1 will choose last in round 2 but then choose first in round 3.

- Each player will be given 12 hours to make their choice once it is their turn. If you miss your turn you will be skipped. If you miss 3 turns you will be removed from the game.

- If you think it might become your turn when you are unable to login and make your pick for a round you may PM your pick to someone on the forum to post your pick on your behalf.

- If you are the last to choose in a round you will still be given 12 hours for each round. If you miss the first round you will then be given the 12 hours for the next round but may only choose for the current round.

- For anyone who misses round you may make up the rounds you missed after round 10 of drafting in the order in which you missed.

Voting Rules

- Once drafting is complete all players will be broken into matches of 2 where the members of the forum will vote on the films on a scale of 1-5 or by leaving a n/a if you have not seen a film.

- Each film that is drafted will have a link (if applicable) in a separate thread for your convenience so you may catch up and vote more accurately.

- If the match is yours do not vote in it.

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Lets try to have fun this time guys!

Last edited by Morningriser; 11-13-2015 at 12:26 PM.
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