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Old 06-22-2004, 01:14 PM
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My Review for Day of the Dead

"They can be tricked."
By far Day of the Dead is my favorite of George A. Romero's Dead Trilogy. The zombies look amazing, and this film has Bub. A zombie who was captured by Dr. Logan and is being trained to be civilized. Bub is my favorite character in any of the Dead movies. There is a child like quality about him that makes you feel good inside.

Aside from Bub, Day of the Dead is blessed with an outstanding cast that bring this movie to life. Richard Liberty (Dr. Logan) takes his role and brings it to life. He was brilliant. Sarah (Lori Cardille) is a strong leading female, and hits every last line in the movie with sheer brilliance. When this movie came out, aside from Sigourney Weaver in Alien, there were just not very many strong female's playing the role of the hero. And Lori is one hell of a leading lady.

Day of the Dead really shines in the special effects department with, Make-Up genius Tom Savini going all out. Day has some of the most realistic gore effects that I have ever seen in my entire life.

With a strong cast, an incredible crew, and an epic tale of the struggle of man kind. Day of the Dead is a must see for all horror movie fans.
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