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Old 07-17-2016, 04:20 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
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With BLOODSHOCK, the second in Unearthed Films’ AMERICAN GUINEA PIG series, recently released, the company and its topper Stephen Biro are plunging into the third installment, SONG OF SOLOMON. We got the scoop from the franchise’s special FX creator, Marcus Koch (who also directed BLOODSHOCK), about how SONG OF SOLOMON will attempt to challenge a horror classic’s disgust factor.

Biro, who helmed the initial AMERICAN GUINEA PIG: BOUQUET OF GUTS AND GORE, returns to direct SONG OF SOLOMON, which just started shooting in Florida. Koch is handling the FX with Jerami Cruise of Toetag Pictures, and as the title suggests, the story takes a religious-based tack this time. “As a writer, Steve likes that good-vs.-evil motif,” Koch explains. “He was originally saving this story for the eighth AMERICAN GUINEA PIG, but some directors who were going to be up for the third movie kind of fell out, so he just decided to do this one next. It’s about an exorcism, and there’s some very messed-up stuff that happens in it. Obviously the benchmark for this kind of film is THE EXORCIST; I don’t think anyone has come close to the intensity of that one. But this being an extreme gore film, Steve has written some stuff that really ramps it up. It may not be as scary as the original film, but it’s definitely grosser.
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