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Old 12-11-2016, 04:59 PM
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Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)

When Ygor brings the Monster to Dr. Ludwig Frankenstein for care, Ludwig gets the idea of replacing the Monster's current criminal brain with a normal one.
Very B-movie script. Pretty ridiculous. Seems like they're just going through the motions of a series of cliche events happening in this Frankenstein universe. There's nobody to root for here, very little suspense or horror. Rather boring.

House of Frankenstein (1944)

An evil scientist and his hunchbacked assistant escape from prison and encounter Dracula, the Wolf Man and Frankenstein's Monster.
This one takes itself a little more serious with the soundness of Boris Karloff's acting. But once again the script and plot are ridiculous, and it just feels like the characters are walking through the motions of this Universal Monsters' homage of events. Extremely unimaginative. Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman never appear in the same shot.

Bela Lugosi was slated to play Dracula, but had prior commitments when Karloff was available. The Dracula part was very small, and the monsters' plot roles were not intertwined.

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