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Old 03-31-2017, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by The Villain View Post
Shin Godzilla

Finally got a chance to see this and it's excellent. I think a lot of people aren't going to like this. Its slow and focuses a lot of the Japanese government but much like the original, which was an allegory on japans fears of the nuclear bomb in the wake of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this movie uses this in the wake of the earthquake in 2011 and the governments fears of another similar incident.

Godzilla is shown at it's most powerful and terrifying portrayed less as a destructive monster and more as a malevolent God and specific scenes of its destruction are amazing.

The story is great and builds real tension and a real feel of how todays Japan would handle and deal with Godzilla attacking. The movie doesn't shy away from stating that Godzilla does cause massive amounts of death and is seen as a real threat. It's one of the best Godzilla movies ever made and all Godzilla fans should see it.

Just don't bother if you're looking for monster fights or a similar movie to Legendarys 2014 film which was pretty mediocre in my opinion

I Saw Shin about 6 months ago. It is inspired by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima meltdowns... it's obvious when Godzilla pours in.

This film is actually fast paced, with a modern Hollywood feel. It's just not monster fights but rather emergency response.

I thought it was interesting and mildly exciting for swaths. But the last quarter and ending were really weird for me. I didn't see the point and purpose, and it became a bit tedious... ironically when the Godzilla thing starts up again, but for no meaningful effect except lighting effects.

I'd give Shin more a 6/10. I enjoyed Godzilla (2014) more.

Last edited by Sculpt; 03-31-2017 at 05:55 PM.
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