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Old 05-09-2018, 09:02 PM
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Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post
Except for the major characters, their development and the mandatory smattering of in-jokes and backwards referencing Marvel puts in absolutely everything?
Also some changes happened to some of the characters throughout these films, and a couple were introduced that will likely be seen in at least some way.

That said...While I wasn't in love with Ragnarok, it was a solid action title,

Homecoming (which annoys me that Spider-man is now in his third big screen incarnation and has still not left high school) for me was one of the best Spider-man films there has been. Not quite Spider-Man 2, but puts Spider-Man 3 and both of the "Amazing" titles absolutely in the dirt.
Michael Keaton fucking smashes his part as usual, and end up playing quite a well written version of a popular villain that you can actually sympathise with.
It's at very least, worth a hire - just my take but you're missing out if you don't see it.

I hope they'll actually let the kid GROW UP in the MCU...
Ragnarok was mildly entertaining, I enjoyed it.

I think we have the same general tastes with Spiderman. Rami's Spiderman 2 was great. Rami's Spiderman was pretty good. I didn't like Spiderman 3, but it had some good moments. I didn't like The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, very passé and unoriginal, was like Twilight, that is reminded me of it, since I only ever watched 15 mins of Twilight.

The thing about Spider-Man: Homecoming is I don't think it added anything new to Rami's Spider-man… and I just didn't want to see all that again... and that's a killer to me. For me it was very forgettable, and I didn't think it had much heart. I like Keaton in the car scene at the end, other than that, to me the whole thing was either way way too familiar or fairly lame. Again, not saying it was a bad film, just old hat.

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