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Old 06-26-2018, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by idoneus1957 View Post
I always thought Jessica Harper had this kind of haunting quality. She is also in one scene of Love and Death, and appeared also in Pennies from Heaven.

My favorite Karen Allen scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark is where, right after Indiana leaves, she looks at the medallion. The way she is lit and photographed in that shot, she looks like a Madonna.
Agreed. Allen was on fire for that whole Tibet bar segment. I thought it was brilliant.

I remember reading, against Allen's wishes, Speilberg insisted she change the way she was playing her character to a more happy likable one; and Allen was vocal about her disagreement in that direction. I don't know if that's true...

Also, people should know films are not shot in chronological order, or not necessarily. I don't know that the Tibet Bar was shot before her other scenes... but I think it was, and I think the story is true, as it seems to fit. We do know Allen was not invited back to play in the sequel, and it was widely reported it was because of "creative differences" between Allen and the director.

I thought Allen's character was too accepting of Jones once they left Tibet, the switch was too fast and too abrupt. I think Allen was right. But it didn't kill the film. But I do think Temple of Doom sorely missed Allen's character... that is, I thought Doom's leading lady, Kate Capshaw, was rather weak, bland and lacked any sparks or deep connection to Ford, and Ford always needs all the help he can get in that area.

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