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Old 08-20-2018, 07:50 AM
idoneus1957 idoneus1957 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 232
another annoying vampire cliche

Another one I don't like is vampires who are conflicted and guilty about being a vampire. Now, take the scene in Brides of Dracula where Andree Melly as Gina comes back as a vampire, rising out of that coffin. Number one, she knows she's a vampire and already knows how to be one, doesn't have to go through a lot of training, like some vampires do in recent vampire movies. Two, she loves it! That's how a vampire should be.

Andree Melly was cute as the dickens. In fact, when I log off this site I am going to google a few pictures of her. For me, her occasional presence on the Benny Hill show was a special added bonus.
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