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Old 01-03-2019, 02:03 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
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I would like to rephrase what I said earlier about subconscious cruelty. My words were harsh and possibly even taken as aggression. I would first like to apologize. As human beings I realize we are able to interpret art in whatever way we would like. I know there are some people that aren't affected by such imagery and some people get Beyond offended and then there are some who just can't watch it because it hits really tender emotions. As I previously stated, the baby scene in a Serbian film was just so silly the way it was done it didn't really affect me but with this where despite it obviously being a fake baby, being ripped from its mother's womb only to be held in front of her face and have it stabbed repeatedly by her brother, the father. Does that part strike a nerve? Yeah, it does, but that's not what bothers me. What bothers me is the fact that they had to add such extreme detail as to Heaven blood dripping from the baby's body onto the mother's face while she is screaming and then suddenly Blood start squirting out of where an artery would be and even despite all of this, before her brother even impregnated her, she was pregnant with someone else's child in which he basically munged it to death and then reached in and ripped out the remainder of the Dead fetus.

As I said, it's art and we as human beings are allowed to accept or deny whatever we like. The censorship is not what this is about. I am totally Dead Set against censorship whether if it's something I agree with or like or not. What I am concerned about is the effect these things are having on Humanity. This film was made in 2001 and when I found it on popcorn time, today being the first time I ever heard of it actually, the artwork was the two disc special edition DVD. Two disc special edition DVD... not only do I think this film doesn't even need or deserve a second disc, being beside the point, the fact that this movie would hold such popularity that it would prompt a second disc disturbs me. If you ask me, people who are turned on by this sort of thing or get enjoyment from watching this should seek help. I'm not saying that to be rude or to be confrontational, I'm saying that because something is horribly wrong with this world and it scares the hell out of me. Looking back at human history, at least what is documented, all empires have Rose and fell throughout time and go ahead and add your extra cliche. Yes, Empires rise and fall but we always learned from the previous mistakes and the world kept going on. Empires don't stretch the entire world, only Their Kingdoms or territories. What I am getting at is everything outside the Empire, life, goes on and it has went on but ever since the world wars Society has began to decline. Yes we are thriving technologically but that's not good enough. If anything, a lot of the technology is making the human race weaker, more feeble-minded and lazier. We are slaves to our phones or some sort of technology that is completely making us devolve in the most important ways. We are losing certain social skills, we are losing certain physical activities, we are lacking certain nutrition, education, life lessons, Etc.

To get back on point, at what point does the human race really decide to resort to presenting such filth and shame and disgrace in such mediums that the public I would notice and be inspired whether it be in a creative way or something dark. Is this really what we want? Is this really what we have become?
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