Thread: Rick & Morty
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Old 02-12-2019, 09:11 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
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What is my fascination with homoeroticism? I wasn't aware that I had one, but on the Eric Andre show I have seen him trying to grab Flavor Flav's dick and he even told him not to do that and kind of laughed about it and then he did it again and he told him not to grab his fucking dick and then a minute or so later he did it again and then Flavor Flav stood up and was ready to knock him out but then Eric kicked his desk over and there was a bathtub underneath it and he was wearing tighty whities from the waist down without any other clothes on and while he's getting in the bathtub Flavor Flav says something to the effect of this mother fucker ain't playing and then there was a time Vivica was on the show and they were doing a thing where she had to answer everything truthfully and suddenly he asks her if she had to choose one which you rather fuck her mom or her dad and she got this shocked look on her face and that's when the segment ends. It was another episode Chris Jericho was on there and Hannibal Buress kept coming up behind him and fucking with his hair and he told him a few times to stop and it one time got up and was ready to deck him. There is more that happened but I can't remember.

As far as Rick and Morty goes, practically everyone I have ever seen that said they only watched a couple episodes couldn't get into it. The show is confusing unless you watch enough of it to start piecing it together because you need to watch it from the beginning and give it a few episodes of consistency to start catching on see what's happening but I love this show. Not only is it great for adults, kids are going to watch cartoons no matter what and even though it comes on late at night, kids will still watch it and if they have Hulu will watch it there as well and considering they are going to pick up on the bad language, violence and all the other subliminal messages, it is also teaching them to think big and outside the box. In the long run this will do so much better for kids growing up then these Nickelodeon and Disney Channel cartoons will. I honestly consider Rick and Morty to be the most important cartoon of this generation.

Also, Rick burps all the time because he's drunk all the time. He is an alcoholic and there is actually an episode in season 2 that gets me right in the feels because it reminds me so much of a relationship I once had. I don't know if you have ever spent time around an alcoholic or not, I mean one who has been a hard drink for years and would die if they quit, they do burp and Hiccup constantly.

Last edited by Morningriser; 02-12-2019 at 09:16 AM.