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Old 04-06-2019, 10:33 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
Posts: 3,552
Stephen Biro
50 mins · tag Torment, 4 others
Oh shit... what a week. Picked up 6 movies... one of them, we actually have to edit a little and add a title and end credits sequence to it... maybe a touch of sound FX cause it was never fully finished. But were going to finish it. I think the fans will be excited... Figuring out when to announce cause we have so many announcements coming up, it's sort of crazy.

We have our hands in a lot of things right now... just submitted Nightwish for distribution for Erik Augustsson... Torment, the 1st from the Too Extreme for Mainstream should be up for presale this week. What, we are going to announce is going to be insane.. Never been done before.

Torment blus will be 30 bucks while torment dvd's will be 25. Both with a different cover. Pre-sale will only be for 30 days and then it goes OOP. Seriously... Pre-orders are good... after 30 days...that's when we manufacture, that will be the total tally of what was ordered and that's what we make but have to round up too the nearest 100. Since we have to order by the 100... I may have 30 or 40 left over but don't count on it. I personally suggest, pick up an extra one for trade fodder.

The Ultimate Collectors Edition of Torment, (name of it might change) will be 395.00 and limited to 20. The awesomeness/horrific nature of this package is going to turn heads in the horror industry. We may get torches and Hell for it but fuck it. Fell into my lap.

I don't know how fast these Ultimate Editions will go so get ready. You will have 30 days to order Torment but that's it so keep that in mind. I can do payment plans if needed for the Ultimate Collection but fuck, this is going to get crazy.

Since this is a closed group... I can share the blu and dvd cover but not the UC cover cause it will be a bloody good surprise.

Dvd artwork done by our own Martin Trafford, Blu Ray artwork was given to us by Domiziano Cristopharo.

Details on The Ultimate Edition coming soon.

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