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Old 04-10-2019, 08:56 PM
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ImmortalSlasher ImmortalSlasher is offline
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Originally Posted by Sculpt View Post
I really liked the first film. Thought it was well done. I remember it was about a conspiracy of alien invasion. Was that the one that ended with an underground complex under the snow, and it collapses?

I don't really remember the 2nd film, just watched the trailer, which is in a snowy environment, but it doesn't look familiar. Maybe I'm mixing the end of Believe with the 1st film. Might have to see those again.

I wasn't a dedicated watcher of the X-files out of the gate. I came late and would just watch from time-to-time. Wasn't until I saw this one funny ep where Mulder and Scully each told their own version of what happened (and the show would show it as flashback with some narration) that I started watching more regularly. That ep really cracked me up.

I don't know if I'd go back and watch it either, but at that point in the show ('telling their own version' ep) it was a good show.

I haven't seen any of the new shows. I see there was 6 eps in 2016, and 10 eps for 2018. If you see one, let me know what you think. The 2016 did well in ratings, strange they skipped a year.
That's it. It was an alien ship that was taking off if I remember correctly. The first movie is pretty good. It kind of feels like a TV movie and not a real movie in parts. But that happens with a lot of TV shows that become movies. When I watched it originally, I felt that it didn't do enough to push the characters into a different place. And I was right as when the TV show started after the movie it still didn't seem like a lot happened even after witnessing a real alien ship. I believe Scully was passed out during that scene as she was just rescued.

The second movie is just bad. They tried to make it a thriller mystery type. It really isn't worth the time.

I started the show late as well. Probably after the first or perhaps second season. But I got a bunch on VHS back then and watched reruns to catch up. It was one of the best shows on TV early on and up to a season or so after the first movie.

If it was a funny episode you watched, that sounds like the vampire episode. Was there a magic fingers bed in the episode?
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