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Old 04-25-2020, 07:15 AM
classic_horror_fan classic_horror_fan is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 224
Killers From Space

This one goes all the way back to the lower budget drive in movies from the early 1950s that were shown as openers to double and triple features a lot of the time. This one definitely had a low budget, even for standards back then, but they did overall well with what they had to go with. The story and plot are overall well written and the actors and actresses did really well at portraying and bring out their roles. I could also see that the whole cast and crew really put in all of their hearts and souls during the filming of this one, which is something else I really like about it. The aliens' masks are cheap and campy looking, even for standards back then, but they are also funny and cool looking as well, to help make this film more entertaining. The aliens also have a section in their caverns with large mutated reptiles and insects that looks overall cool in the traditions of "Them!", "Tarantula," "Earth vs. The Spider," "Godzilla," "Gamera," and the like. The film keeps interest as the main character who was abducted by them, drained of his memory before gradually regains it, eventually remembers where they are hiding and figures one possible way that might actually stop their plot from taking over the planet. Those wanting a major blockbuster ought to skip this one, even back when it first came out. Those who can enjoy or appreciate a good entertaining B-movie that is overall well done with what they had, along with being able to tell a lot of time, effort, and hard work was put into it might actually find this one worth a look.
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