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Old 06-18-2023, 07:25 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
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Originally Posted by FryeDwight View Post
FUEGO (1968). I had never heard of Isabel Sarli until reading about Her on the great JR-Sploitation site (which may be gone as not seen it the last month). She was "Miss Argentina" in the 50's, met director Armando Bo and became the constant in his films which featured ample nudity from Isabel and always near water as well. Being no fool, Armando normally cast himself as her love interest, although some later films used his son, which is kind of off putting. One thing for sure, she ws stunning; almost Salma Hayek times 2.

The story focuses on a nymphomaniac who falls in love and marries a rich older man. While her love is true, her hyper sexuality cannot be contained with all sorts of situations; a phone repair man, her rather masculine maid and one shake-head worthy scene where she walks through town propositioning wearing only a fur coat and boots. Is there any hope for her salvation?

Extremely campy and I was not really surprised when I found out John Waters was a big fan of this; in fact, I think He modeled leading performer Divines look based on Bo's film. ***
Sounds like watchlist material. Thanks for the recommendation.
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