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Old 01-13-2024, 02:50 AM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 2,878
JEREMY (1973)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

When I was a pre-teen, my Mother and her friends all raved about LOVE STORY and how sad it was. I saw it in the Spring of '74 and thought it was OK, but couldn't really identify with Ryan O'Neil/Ali Magraw and found them more annoying than anything else.

JEREMY is a love story, but is set in a high school and appealed more to Me as the characters were sort of in my age range. Robbie Benson is good as the painfully shy awkward sophomore who meets and falls in love with the new student (Glynnis O'Connor is quite captivating-in fact, She and Robbie became a couple during filming). Things are going good, but , of course, a major SNAFU comes in.....

While I still like this, it's filmed almost as a documentary and many of Jeremy's intimates are truly no help during a time when He could really use it (I got the Paperback of this shortly after seeing the film and not as bad). Also, the bad news is revealed to Us before Jeremy and it's not as powerful as it is in the book. And, it seems everything is wrapped up way too fast ; maybe this was meant to make You feel more empathy for Jeremy, of how his life is being changed drastically and He unable to do anything. A almost haunting last shot.

So, hasn't;t really aged well, but for those who remember first loves, it's worth seeing. **1/2
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