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Old 03-03-2024, 12:42 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 908
Moon of the Wolf 1972 ★★★

If you want to be mean, you can find ways to scoff at this flick. And it's certainly no gamechanger.

But you can you enjoy it for what it is: 1/3 tv movie melodrama, 1/3 whodunnit and 1/3 werewolf sauce for some added flavor. Nothing special, but a good pace, okay storytelling and a good cast. A lot of faces that look familiar somehow, but you cannot quite put your finger on where you know them from.

For who is this? Honestly, I don't know. This may be a (early) seventies movie, but the overall feel is more sexties, if not fifties. And the werewolf make-up even goes back to Lon Chainey's version of The Wolf Man. Conclusion: Something for an evening when you need something a little more lightweight.
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