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Old 03-23-2024, 02:39 AM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
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Originally Posted by Sculpt View Post
One of my favorite Price films along with Haunted Hill and Laura. Arguably the first modern zombie films, except they're declared vampires.

Son of Kong (1933)

It's a one-hour film that's really kid friendly. There's a sweetness to the main characters. They don't get back to Skull Island until the film is more than half over. The white colored child of Kong, Little Kong, does funny things and makes funny faces.

The stop-motion is done by Willis O'Brien, same artist who did the work in the original King Kong. Little Kong fights three beasts, but it all seems unnecessary, and not at all dynamic, you just have to wait for it to be over.

I saw Son of Kong as a child. The ending pulled my heart strings when Little Kong lifted the protagonist over his head out of the flood waters as Little Kong drowns. Watching it this second time, I did pick up something new... which is Little Kong got his foot caught in the rocks, that's why he drowned. As a child I just thought Little Kong wasn't tall enough to have his head out of the water and was just concerned with saving the man's life. Getting the foot caught is a novel solution to seeing Little Kong drown, as he wouldn't have fit on the small lifeboat the protagonist got into to survive the flooded island.
LAST MAN ON EARTH is really good and one of my favorite Vincent films as well.

I was nine when I saw SON OF KONG and the ending got Me as well; it wasn't until I got it on VHS in the 80's that I noticed poor Little Kong got stuck. While I still enjoyed the stop motion work, SOK is pretty juvenile...I almost groaned when He shrugs and makes a face It's OK, but can't compare in any way to KING KONG.

THREE IN THE ATTIC (1968). I had never heard of this AIP film other than it was a big grosser for them that year. Christopher Jones plays a womanizing College Student who, while involved in a (somewhat) committed relationship with Yvette Mimieux , He also finds time and energy to bed two other women -Judy Pace - BRIAN'S SONG, COTTON COMES TO HARLEM and FROGS- and Maggie Thrett-some STAR TREK episodes and dating Gram Parsons-, swearing fidelity to all of them. Somehow, He manages to juggle all relationships and brag about it to his Fraternity Brothers.
However, He is found out and after being lured to an attic, bound to a bed and as "punishment", being screwed by the three women constantly-that's some punishment. Eventually, the school lists him as a missing student and efforts are made to find him.

While the three ladies are fine (especially Judy Pace), their actions could be construed as kidnapping and rape. But the guy is such a jerk; a good beating is more of what he deserves.

So, a tiresome "hip" movie that really hasn't held up at all. *1/2
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