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Old 03-27-2024, 12:11 AM
FryeDwight FryeDwight is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 2,892
OF MICE AND MEN (1981).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SPOILERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
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TV version of the Steinbeck book with Robert Blake as George and Randy Quaid as Lennie. While it's hard to picture "Baretta" as George, Blake does a decent job, only getting cross with Lenny a couple of times, as compared to the book with him losing patience frequently. One thing I did like about this version is more scenes involving the men at work, showing how big the area is and how much hustling would be involved. Good casting with Mitchell Ryan as "Slim", Cassie Yates (very affecting as Mae, Curley's wife), Pat Hingle as the Boss, Whitman Mayo-Grady himself from SANFORD AND SON-as Crooks) and Lew Ayres as Candy. And although it seems an odd choice, casting Ted Neely (JC himself from Jesus Christ SUPERSTAR) is not the dud You might think. Neely is good, but his Curley is just a horrible bullying asshole, even more than in the book.

While there are good things here, there are scenes included that were not in the book and serve no purpose. Right at the beginning as our two guys are fleeing from the Lynch mob, they go visit Lennie's Aunt Clara (dead in the book). George leaves Lenny there, but comes back for him-no purpose for this scene as well as George beginning to tell Slim how Lenny got them in trouble at a crowded dinner table, no less.. Some parts seem to be rushed over, such as in Crook's cabin and some that really aren't needed.

A lot to commend, but a missed opportunity. **1/2
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