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Old 05-01-2024, 05:21 AM
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Tommy Jarvis Tommy Jarvis is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Belgium
Posts: 902
Time to play catchup again.

You Will Never Be Back 2020 ★★★

Fun little Spanish short about getting lost between dimensions.

Maybe not four star material, but an okay mood piece with a solid lead.

The Babysitter 2017 ★




Why did this warrant a sequel?

Black Mirror: Hated in the Nation 2016 ★★★★

Like with other episodes of Black Mirror, this is one of those cases of “the less you know, the better”.

I will say a few things, though, even if they are mostly in the category “if you know, you know”.

Kelly McDonald's character: I liked the contrast between the cop who's “seen it all” and who's like oh you kids and your stupid gadgets and her crushed appearance during the trial.

The story leads you somewhere before pulling a swerve on you like in most cases. Suffice it to say that it provokes deeper thought on what we do on social media and that it has what's best described as a Skynet launch moment where the endgame becomes apparant. Couple that with a moment from The Stepfather and you are set. Oh yeah, and they make bees scary.

The final scene seemed a bit tacked on, to give the viewer at least a bit of respite and redemption. But that's nitpicking, considering how great the rest is and how on point the actors are.

Four stars well deserved.

Last edited by Tommy Jarvis; 05-01-2024 at 05:25 AM.
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