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Old 07-26-2004, 09:45 PM
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bwind22 bwind22 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
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I was very against the idea of this movie coming out.

How could they try to remake the perfect horror movie? I thought.

Well, upon seeing it, it certainly wasn't anywhere near as groudbreaking, gritty, or real as the first one, but it was still a pretty damn good horror movie, especially by today's standards. Most of the new ones that come out nowadays are pure horseshit, but this was actually pretty creepy. I really liked that they didn't try to 'remake' the original (like they did with Psycho), instead they just took the general plot and created a similar, but different and unique story around it.

I loved the remake and I think it's because I went in with low expectations.

P.S. Same thing with Dawn of the Dead. I thought it was a bad idea to remake it and I was sure it was gonna suck and then 10 minutes in, when suburbia was burning and the zombie outbreak was first getting going, I was like "This is the coolest fucking movie to come out in years!" I absolutely loved this one too!
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