Thread: Japanese Horror
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Old 08-08-2004, 07:49 PM
Posts: n/a
I guess it ain't always too easy to recognize the country at first (I had some problems myself in the beginning) bu there is a truth to it. I would not say that Japan is the only one, but for us westeners who has grown really tired of the so called Horror movies (most of them only medicore Thrillers) that gets poured out of Hollywood, the entire Asian horror movie production has proven (in my opinion) to be an Eye opener... The first time in 15 years I have actually been scared by a movie was when I wached Ju-On the first time (In a dark room with lots of sound :)

There is just one thing I can't stand with it... Why the f''' can't Hollywood keep theire ugly hands off the good movies? They wreked Ringu, and here the other day I heared a rumor thet they are planning a remake of Ju-On!!!

Pleas... Someone... Put that rumor to shame by telling me it isn't so!!!

But, anyway... The asian horror movies rock (not only the japanese)

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