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Old 12-08-2003, 09:13 PM
SoUl SuRvIvOrS's Avatar
SoUl SuRvIvOrS SoUl SuRvIvOrS is offline
Evil Bitch From HELL
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: The world where the DEAD and the living COLLIDE
Posts: 747
Love...shit its a hard one.Yeah I can see the resemblence with Horror. On a person note I have been seeing this guy off and on for the last 7 years...He was deployed to the Middle East and has been gone for 10 mnths Now..We have had our hard times and our good ones. But we both feel it is easier not to be an "ITEM"But I cant help to wonder "whats he going through?" What kinda of REAL Horror is he seeing?" I miss him so much it hurts deep like an appendage was severed. I felt a comfort with him I never knew was possible. He is my best lover... my link to the "norm" of society... and sometimes when all I can do is think about him I truely believe he is my soulmate...
But we are not together in that sence...Im not a stalker or anything like that he feels the same just we got to a point in our lives when complications out numbered us and this the best way we see for right now. I date casually and still carry on with my life and trying to Live it the best I can...But I always catch myself comparing everyone I date with him...Love is a painful route we all eventually endour... Everyones path is different but still in search for the same thing... Who wants to live alone?
Oh and the sex and love issue I agree with Abby ... too much to catch now adays.... If your going in COVER UP GUYS:D :p
"Gothic ' is just a word recalling a multitude of sins". Vincent Price
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