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Old 12-09-2003, 12:12 PM
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Arioch Arioch is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Terminal Dogma
Posts: 5,361
What??? LOL wow! Now, i'm definitely impressed. I never went for that long..... How do you do it?
LMAO i knew some of you women would think i was crazy. you guys can get it any time you want, anywhere just because your female. Its different for guys, you have to really get out there and meet girls, build relationships etc.

I got hurt really bad when i left for college by a girl i THOUGHT was my soulmate. I kinda lost a lot of faith in women after that and have gotten used to being alone i guess. Alot of my friends think im crazy and feal bad for me because i dont persue any relationships anymore. I just feal that ill probably live out the rest of my life alone.

Not a sob story or anything, just explaining my situation. Im not really even sad about it anymore, its just what im used to. I live for my music and thats it.....but its enough for me. I guess my point is dont take the person your with for granted, because theres nothing that says you wont be alone too. Appreciate them everyday because like Coldwisper said its alot better than being alone.
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