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Old 12-15-2003, 06:31 PM
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Keyser_Soze Keyser_Soze is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Posts: 50
What makes me "illiterate"? Is it that I think it is stupid to base the fact that you feel a movie is stupid on the marketing?

You have to have a suspension of disbelief when going to see a movie. I guess for someone as sophisticated as you that is a problem. You ever made a movie? Didn't think so. You give it a shot. See what you come up with in the horror genre. Maybe you can do it better than Carpenter or Hooper or Craven. Yeah right. "Those who can't make movies become critics." Ever heard of William Goldman? Probably not. Well he said that, and now talking to you, I get it.

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