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Old 12-16-2003, 04:11 AM
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Originally posted by FangoFan
The same for The Exorcist or The Amittyville Horror. Movies that used the 'Based on a true story' tag-line. I have the The Excorcist novel by William Peter Blatty, he didn't mention about it being true.
I just recently saw something about the Amittyville Horror on TLC or Discovery or something. They basically said that who ever wrote the book, based the book on the accounts of one guy with no evidence to back up anything that he claimed happened. They also said that after the movie came out, people started flocking to the house to steal even a brick. I duno about you, but I don't think I want even a piece of gravel from their driveway if that shit actually happened lol. They can keep their evil house to themselves haha. The Exorcist I heard was inspired by some boy who was exorcised but I'm not too clear on that one. However, the Amittyville one...if I hadn't see the thing on tv about it, I would have thought that the whole thing happened the way they said, especially since the box said "True Story" on it.
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