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Old 11-04-2004, 10:07 PM
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Originally posted by Hate_Breeder

First of all. You think the Pixies have talent and Gothic Metal doesnt? You need to be taught a lesson my friend. Metal takes a lot more fucking talent than almost every type of music.

And on the file sharing issue. Real artists dont care about money they care about the music. So maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and try comprehending other peoples opinions instead of blindly and vaguely exploiting your own thinking you are the only one entitled to a right.

You my friend are a fucko
Listen, I am a REAL musician.. Its my life.. I know you guys don't believe me. seriously. I pay my rent and everything else with it. I don't believe in file sharing... It not different than going into a store and stealing the music.. Gothic metal is simple, They're not poets, they don't sing,and its one sided music.. I have comprehending other peoples opinions, I don't agree with them. They're not making a living off of music, I am. You have never sat down and comprehended the pixies, but its real. I wasn't calling you a douch bag, you assumed that. Download all that music you want, because its not good.

Radiohead, Fugazi, The Pixies, Cake, sonic youth, the beatles, and Velvet underground don't suck... They're the world best.

You my friend, are judgemetal
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