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Old 01-12-2005, 01:00 PM
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ChEEbA ChEEbA is offline
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Flashback: The quest for Identity

Has anyone ever played this game?
I was just thinking about it today, about how completely I loved this was simply a perfect game - so I decided to post about it.

Ok, so if you're a little younger, you're probably wondering what the fuck this game is, allow me to enlighten you. This game was part of the 16 bit era (my most beloved console era, EVER), and came out on both the SNES and Sega Genesis - and there was a pc version too.
It was by Delphine software, who had already made a similar, but not quiet as good game, called "Another world" aka "Out of this world".

Anyway, back to flashback.
I suppose you could call it a platform/adventure/rpg/puzzle. Yep, all that in one game. You viewed it screen by screen, similar to the original Prince of persia games. It also used motion capture for realistic character movement. You could run, leap, hang on, roll, yknow...think P.O.P again, but with a gun, a lot more cool gadgets, and a futuristic setting.

The storyline is initially a little confusing. The intro sequence shows your character escaping from some kind of facility on a flying speeder type thing...and after a chase, being shot down.
You wake up on an alien planet, and after walking around a little bit, and picking up something that is beeping in an irritating manner, you find that it's a message for you. The holographic image shown in the message is none other - this pretty much gives you some hints that you are "conrad hart", and an investigator of some sort.
Throughout the story, you discover that you'd stumbled across an alien plot to take over the world, and the aliens captured you and wiped your memory. The story becomes more and more complete as you run into various other characters in the game.

As for the gameplay, it was great. As I said, it's a little like P.O.P, but that's only a slight similarity. A mixture of stealth, puzzle solving, some excellent gunfights, and some remarkable gadgets (such as the personal teleport device, a little gizmo you throw to a point, and then teleport there).., negotiating safe routes through some ingenious traps, and generally, fighting to die a lot, but it's still very fun.

Throughout the game, you take jobs and go on bodygaurding and bounty hunting missions, go on futuristic gameshows that resemble the running man, find out more and more about yourself, survive against the odds, dodge traps, travel the galaxy...seriously, awesome gameplay and plot.
Very challenging, but trust me - you wouldn't want this game any other way.

This is one of the few games I've played that upon completion I have just sat back and been 100% satisfied.
Not many working 16-bit systems out there nowdays, and most pc's won't run it, unfortunately, an emulator and rom is probably the only way to go...but if you can get this game in any way shape or form, I highly reccomend it.

- B.
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