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Old 01-20-2005, 12:00 AM
Gojira Gojira is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Texas
Posts: 374
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I am not against remakes at all heck the 1931 Dracula and 1931 Frankenstien movies are 2 very famous remakes yet some fans think they are the originals. Frankenstien was 1st made in 1910 by Thomas Edison then it was made a 2nd time in 1915 then a 3rd time in 1931 by Universal. Dracula was 1st made in Russia 1920 then in Hungry 1921 then in America 1931. Dracula was almost remade in Germany in 1922 but there was a Lawsuit so the movie became Nosferatu instead of Dracula. Now there is this one gripe I have about the 1954 Godzilla movie it has never been remade Never ever. Toho studios wont allow the movie to be remade. The reason some think it was remade was because Tristar Leased the name Godzilla from Toho. They did not buy the rights to Godzilla they just leased the name to title their movie thus fooling the public into thinking they were going to see a movie about Godzilla. Anyone with a brain knows Godzilla has an atomic ray the Tristar 98 monster did not have one and the Tristar monster was an Igunanasarus not godzilla if you watch the 98 movie even Mathew Brodrick says its an Ignanasarus. In anycase I think some remakes are pretty darn good and some arnt. Right now I am worried that Peter Jacksons remake of KingKong wont be what Kong fans expect I would like to see a movie with a 50 tall Gorilla as I understand it Jacksons Kong will be a very short 25 ft ape. Yikes sounds more like KidKong than KingKong.
David Nunez Gojira11354
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