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Old 01-28-2005, 06:19 AM
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Yeah, I wondered that myself when I saw Millenium. But Orga is a lot less rediculous looking then Guilala! I wouldn't mind seeing the Gappa again, but Guilala I can live without. I missed the last few issues of G-Fan, by Fakezilla I assume you mean the Tri Star monster? I hadn't heard about that, that's weird. I think he'd need a lot of powering up to hold his own against the real Godzilla.

A kaiju battle I'd like to see is Godzilla Vs Varan (there was a story like that in G-Fan a loooonnnng time ago). It's too bad Toho didn't let Kaneko (i think I'm spelling that wrong) update Varan and Anguilas for GMK. Would have been better then the slightly overused King Ghidorah and Mothra, not that I dislike them, but they've been around quite a lot lately, and I'd like to see some of the more obscure beasts that we haven't seen in a while make a comeback. One of the reasons Final Wars has got me excited.:D
This is THE SHAPE speaking.
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